Monday, May 21, 2018

One Year Later

Good morning friends,
Well, we just recently passed our one year mark. A brief recap for those who may just be happening upon my blog.
May 9, 2017 I went to the doctors because I thought there maybe a problem.
May 12, I had a biopsy done confirming I had breast cancer.
June 26, Started first round of chemo at Dana Farber.
Oct. 24, Ended Chemo.
Nov. 13, Had Surgery which was very successful.
Nov. 17, Received a phone call from Boston which was to tell me I was cancer free!
Dec. 19, started continuation of Hercepton and  Prejeta treatment.
Jan 8, 2018 Started and ended Taxol chemo. Went into anaphylactic shock was hospitalized for two days.
Jan. 22, started a third chemo. Praise the Lord all went well with that.
March 14, ended my chemo!
March 21, I met with the radiologist for my radiation treatment.
April 4, Radiation began for five weeks.
May 2, Radiation ended.
June 4, my last Hercepton Perjeta treatment .

As I look back over these dates some more exciting than others I see how much I'm loved by our Lord! He's seen me through every second, every minute , every hour, every day and never forsaked me.

I Peter 5:7 "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."

The moments of your day and the needs of your heart are in His hands!!  I gave my life to God many years ago to be used for him.

Galatians 2:20 "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."

What a great verse for today and not just today but every day. We're to die daily to self and part of that is giving our hearts to Him. Dieing daily in the valley an on the mountain top. I learned over the past year that dieing to self in the valley is a lot harder. I'm sure there are ladies maybe men reading this that would and do know this, but when you actually are in the fire and at points don't know what's next it can an is more of test to die daily to self. If you are asking how do you, do this? First if you're not saved you need to accept Christ as your Saviour.
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. "
You simply trust in the Lord,  stay in Gods word and pray fervently.

In the valley, God is there.
On the Mountain side, God is there.
On the Mountain top, God is there.
God is always there, even when it seems he's not.

In the valley, God is love.
On the mountain, God is love.
God is forever loving me, He's there even when it seems he's not.

So, in the valley, on the mountain you can count on God through it all!

Blessed Beyond Measure
Make Today Amazing

Taken just a few days ago. A yr after my first biopsy.

Friday, May 4, 2018

A little bit of everything....

Good evening, as I share things in different places I tend to forget one or two places I want to share so the following screen shots/pictures are things I've shared over the past 7 days or so.

As you read through these it's thoughts the Lord gave me and I shared with you an others.

My journey is still going but praise the Lord, I'm prayerfully through the roughest part. 

Blessed Beyond Measure

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Rejoice in the Lord

I've not posted my daily scripture the past few days but trust me, each day brings new thoughts new verses and encouragement that only the Bible and God can give. Today as I was thinking about no radiation needed, no chemo needed, no doctor's needed for almost two weeks I couldn't help but think about Mrs. Marlene Evans favorite verse (or one of them) "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice."  Philippines 4:4

It's not been easy to rejoice through everything but I rejoice in that the Lord brought me and my family through this journey.  So many have no hope, they see no need to depend on anything or anyone other than science and medicine. Praise the Lord though through Christ we have hope, we have a reason to rejoice. 

Rejoice in the Lord alway and again I say rejoice
And again I say rejoice!!!! 

These photos are from the past year. All the way to basically no hair. 

Blessed Beyond Measure
Make Today Amazing

I Have Been Blessed

Some new updates and prayerfully  encouragement  for any who reads this. I shared some post I had posted in other places. So the dates go b...