So, as you noticed in my title I'm hitting several topics. I've been in and out of Physical Therapy since March of 2018. It's hard to believe that it's been 13 months. I believe, I've had maybe two months of no PT. I jokingly say, "it's because I really enjoy visiting the Maine General Therapy department and seeing people there. Visiting with my amazing therapist Carol B. which ok, maybe to a point that is true, but in reality I'd love to be done with PT."
I am doing better, it's just seems to be a very slow process with the lymphedema and then my shoulder is acting up. So this is one reason I'm still in PT. My prayer is that I'll be able to stop it by end of summer if not sooner. I know the Lord has a reason for me being there as long as I have. Doesn't' the Lord say he'll "make a way of escape". Hopefully as soon as possible. :D
I have had surgery again, since my last post. March 1st, I had two surgeries done in the same day. One was because of a "mad" gallbladder, the other was kinda precautionary, they found a tumor on my right ovary and rather than waiting to see what it might turn into I opted to go ahead and have a hysterectomy. (Wow! who would have ever thought I could spell these big medical words LOL) Personally I was fine not knowing how to spell them but anyway.... my little side not there :) During that time my wonderful daughter was able to come spend a little time with us. She was a HUGE blessing to me during that week. I did have a few complications but Praise the Lord I've healed from that and I'm doing fine.
Going on to a "Normal" life. Ok, what is normal? I know everyone has their own definition for it. Well, since I have a "new normal" which of course is doctors, test, therapist, etc. I suppose I'll say, for me my normal is getting through the week with:
1. Sunday all day church - was able to do that for the first time in over two months last Sunday. I LOVED IT!
2. Go to my appointments that are scheduled each week.
3. Wednesday Night church - two weeks in a row making Wednesday night church :)
4. Ladies Soul winning on Thursday (started today) WOOHOO
5. For this week WMS :)
These are things that two years ago I never had a second thought about making it to. Now, it's a planned thing. This week was/is a "trial" run to see how I am come Saturday after having a full week but a planned out week. Knowing what was needed for each day. "Do all things decently and in order." By planning my week I'm doing things in a decent order. I don't like to be idle but yet I have to plan that still in my daily life.
I mentioned soul winning. Well, I have given out tracts, talked with people, seen people saved, but there's nothing like that organized Ladies Soul winning time. Today, was such a huge day for me in many ways. I've not actually gone out with church soul winning for a very long time. If you have been through or have health issues you'll understand when I say, just the act of getting ready some days is all you can do. I've over the past 23 months, have had many things church related and not, that I would be completely ready to go and that was as far as I went. It just recently happened on a Sunday morning. Yes, I sat down and cried, I so wanted to go to church but physically I just couldn't. So when I knew today was going to be very busy and I'd be on the go almost all day, I prayed that the Lord would give me the strength to do what needed to be done for the family, for my appointment and soul winning. Yes, Praise the Lord he gave me that strength needed and everything for today was accomplished.
So friend, I just want to say, God has blessed my family, and myself in so many ways. The struggles are there, the bills are rolling in. BUT He is always there! "But my God shall supply ALL my need according to his riches in glory...."
No matter your journey, keep on keeping on! God will guide you and lead you through the valley.
All the way my Savior Leads me
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy,
Who through life has been my Guide?
Heavenly peace, divinest comfort
Here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know whate'er befall me
Jesus doeth all things well;
For I know whate'er befall me
Jesus doeth all things well.
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