Friday, May 19, 2017

Please Pardon the Mess

This blog is currently under construction but will be in full working order soon!

To give a brief description and purpose of my new blog, "Make today Amazing" it's to be a help, encourage and uplift those who have or know someone who has Cancer. My journey just started 2 weeks ago with, Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, which is breast cancer.

I decided this week no matter what, I'm going to Make Today Amazing! I don't have all the answers nor do I claim to but with the Lords help I will survive this and as I told someone earlier, I'm not finished serving the Lord! I'm not finished with doing his will! I'm not finished with life!

In what time I am afraid, I will trust in thee! God is my refuge and he's my strength. Yes, I have my wonderful husband, my children, my family, my church family and most importantly God. He will guide me and give me wisdom in what I need to do.

So while you are waiting patiently for this to get underway as I am waiting patiently (most times *laughing) to get results, just check in every now and then to see what is happening.

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