Friday, September 29, 2017

Love Lifted Me

Psalms 28:7 "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.

The above verse was the verse my Pastors wife shared earlier today. This verse has been such an encouragement today. As I share my day you'll understand why I have the title I  have and the verse I'm using tonight.

So going back to this morning, I got up and prepared for my day and we'll for the first time in awhile felt I could do a little more before having to relax or even nap.  A dear couple from our church, Bro. Danny and Mrs. Sandy came to visit. While they were here the first not so good news came in. Our Pastor, Rick Walter, was in the ER in the worst pain he's been in since being diagnosed with cancer. We then learned he would be admitted. As I read the verse I was reminded again God is his strength! God's my strength and loves us all.

Then just a short time after they had gone, my husband was on his way to work, he calls me. I learn that a friend who had cancer and was battling pneumonia had gone to heaven this morning.  It was at first hard because she had loved, encouraged, supported, and much more after Mrs. Betty learned I had cancer. She had her own health issues but through love I was lifted up in prayer by a very wonderful lady.

Shortly after I found out about her passing, I recieved a call from another dear friend who also has had cancer, Mrs. Kelly. Why did she call, to encourage me, to let me know she understood and that she was praying. Again, the Verse was brought to mind, the Lord was helping me via friends.

After talking to Kelly, I knew I needed to do something,  not just sit and fret. I tackled a fairly easy project, practiced piano, prayed for many.

Then to end my day, our assistant Pastors wife came over. She brought supper, we had a time of fellowship, had a piano lesson and enjoyed a little more fellowship. When she headed out I was refreshed by how my day had been.

I have shared this with you because love lifted me through friends. God encouraged me through friends. He helped me get through what could have been a bad Day, by friends. However this isn't just friends, these are friends who have heartaches, some times harder than what I'm going through. Some just as concerned for others as I am. See friends, no matter what your heartache or struggle, God can use you and his scripture to uplift, encourage and help others. My goal is to do the same as Jennie, Sandy, Kelly and Marion did today. Not just say I'll help, pray, etc But actually do it.

If none of the ladies had come, messaged or done anything I'd still have the Lord doing all this through his word. I'm thankful for those who go the extra mile.
I could list several others who have texted, called or messaged. Who are you encouraging in the Lord Today?

I'm not perfect, I hurt, I worry, just as the next person. However I trust in, lean on, depend on, love and serve the one whos love lifts me!

So make today Amazing by doing for another!

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