Friday, December 29, 2017

Looking Forward

As we come into 2018 we need to think of all the fun things, all of what God can do, how God can use us and so much more. Don't dwell on the bad or what could happen.

As I say this I'm facing over 50 doctor appointments from January 8 to Dec 31st. I could let this ruin my time with my family as well as the year BUT I have a lot of exciting things to look forward to. 
1. Caleb an Elizabeth's wedding.
2. Visiting with my grandbabies.
3. Going to Church being a part of the ministry.

These are just a few things I can look forward to.
I know that what I'm facing isn't going to be easy and it's not going to be fun, but with God all things are possible.  When I started the clinical trial they told me I would lose my hair. I believe in the power of prayer! I also believe because of my praying God allowed me to keep my hair. Again, I've been told you'll lose you're hair during this 12 weeks of Chemo. If I do I'll be sad it won't be easy, but I'll be praying for God to allow me not to. Sort of odd but I can look forward to changing my hair style or color. LOL

Looking forward to 2018 for most is easy, but I'll have to work on it at times. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart.... it won't always be easy but I'm trusting in God to help me Look Forward to special times and to get through the hard times.

So as you start the new year, take one day at a time, praise God for that day and make it Amazing, by looking forward to your day, month, year!!

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