Friday, July 14, 2017

Being Thankful In My Circumstance

The Bible says to give thanks but have you ever stopped and thought about that? Giving thanks for cancer?! Really? YES and I'm going to share some reasons I am thankful even through the trial of cancer.

• I can still serve God
● I have a husband (wife depending who you are) who loves and supports me
● I have children to love and live for.
● I learned of my diagnosis rather than just dying not ever knowing I had it.
● I'm able to get up and do things daily.
● the phone that rings all day, text that come in, cards and gifts that come in the mail; reminds me of friends who love and care for me.
● the drive to Boston that I'm able to make
● the doctors who truly care about my circumstances
● the blood draws that I greatly dislike
● then at close of day the prayers for continued health and thanking God I can serve him, live, and have an amazing day again tomorrow.

So you see my friend I give thanks because I am Blessed Beyond Measure with much to be thankful for. Which this is just a drop in the bucket of what I'm thankful for! I could write all night if I listed everything. So what are you thankful For?

My next appointment is Monday at 8 am in Boston so until then, "Make Today Amazing! "

It's amazing what praising can do
Alleluia Alleluia
Oh it's amazing what praising can do
I don't worry when things go wrong
Jesus fills my heart with a song
Oh it's amazing what praising can do

Thank the Lord for your circumstances and just keep on keeping on.

1 comment:

I Have Been Blessed

Some new updates and prayerfully  encouragement  for any who reads this. I shared some post I had posted in other places. So the dates go b...