Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Do you know where you'll spend eternity?

Good evening, this post isn't going to be an easy one for me to write. See, this past Monday wasn't exactly the day we, my husband an I, had planned. I was scheduled to start my chemo on Monday, we went in had the usual blood draw, saw my doctor and I went to my infusion chair. All was going well, until somewhere around two pm.

From here to about nine pm I'm missing bits an pieces of my day. Before I go into this part of Monday, January 8, may I ask you, "If you were to die today where would you spend eternity?" Friend, Monday, I almost met my Saviour!  This is no joke, I'm not making this up. At 1 pm I was given benadryl and another med to help in case of an allergic reaction to Taxol the chemo medication I had not had before. Around 2 pm the Taxol at a slow and very low dosage was started through my port/IV. Now from here on I remember very little of the day because I went into anaphylactic shock. If you don't know what this means I was dieing. Thank the Lord though my doctors and many nurses were, as my husband says, "on their A game", that day. God guided them and used them to save my life!

See I went into my appointment with no real concern, I was actually confident that all was going to be good. Before I went into the infusion area I had handed out several tracks and I was hoping to possibly lead someone to the Lord that day. My day changed in a matter of minutes. We never know what a minute may hold.

My infusion for Taxol had started, knowing I could possible have a reaction, I had prayed that the Lord would protect me and all would go well. The next thing I remember I couldn't breath and I didn't feel right. I couldn't speak loud enough to get anyone's attention either. However, my husband noticed and took action immediately.  There are bits an pieces I remember but I'll not go into. Later of which I don't know time wise I was in the ER. Where more doctors and nurses were helping me.

Even though, I know For sure where I'm going I would hate for someone to be where I was on Monday, an not know the Lord.

John 3:16 one of my favorite verses. "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. "  See God loves you and me so much, He gave his son for us! Jesus died on the cross, was buried and raised again, so you an I could have everlasting life!  We don't have to pay for our own sins. By faith believe in the Lord. He will, not might, or maybe, HE WILL SAVE YOU!

Friend, whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever you are going through, Don't do it without God! There's a reason I didn't die Monday. I don't know what God has for me but I'm grateful not only for my family and friends that I'm still here, but that God apparently has something for me to do.

This evening I text my Pastor about a nurse I remembered being called "Z". I remember talking to her but couldn't remember all I had said. Thankfully, I had talked to her and invited her to church. Although i didn't see anyone saved I put forth an effort to tell others of Christ.

Monday is basically a blurr but I pray in some way, some how God allowed me to touch someone's life for Him.

As to how I'm doing, I'm home recovering. I will go Monday January 15 to see my oncologist and figure out what is next. God is Only Always good and with him I, we will get through this journey of Cancer!

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