Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sitting at the Cancer Center

Yesterday was a very emotional and stressful day as I went to the Alfond Center for Cancer. As I sat there waiting for my name to be called for blood draw and meeting the with Dr. Julia, I noticed several things......

1. A lady who just learned she was to face surgery. Her loving husband trying to comfort her and assure her she would be OK.
2. A man who has to come in two or three times a week and is as happy as can be. He still skies White Tail Mountain. We spoke with him and how sad, he doesn't have time for church like things.
3. An elderly lady all alone, no one with her, she sat over in a corner with her eyes closed. Several tried to talk with her, volunteers, myself but she said, no.
4. Then myself who was a nervous wreck, didn't want to be there due to the week before, but I have the Lord and  my husband was right there by my side. Tears were escaping on an off while sitting there.

When you are out and see people what do you see? Just another person? Or one who could use an encouraging word? Maybe one who needs a helping hand? A soul who needs Christ? Yesterday I was very concerned, scared, not wanting to be where I was. However, I remember sermons, of put yourself last, think about others and what they need. Sunday evening, I had to be home and so via the Internet I listened to our church service. Our Pastor spoke on We're Our Own Worst Enemy. You know he's so right!!! How many times could I have told someone of Christ but didn't. How many times have I put ME first?

So even though I was not wanting to reenter the Alfond Center yesterday I decided to try looking at others try to see them as not just another patient but as one who is hurting as I am or worse. We/I wasn't able to speak to the first lady I mentioned because there was several around her. Even though I don't know her name I am praying for her. Praying for others brings a whole new perspective on your life. The gentleman my husband spoke mostly with, and the elderly Lady I tried to speak with, we tried to talk with them but they wouldn't listen. I can still pray that in some way, what was said, he'll remember and receive Christ.

After talking with my amazing oncologist, Dr. Julia M. she as only a caring doctor can do assured me that nothing will be done that I don't agree to. Also that the chemo I had gone into anaphylactic shock with would NEVER be used again. The Lord gave me the opportunity to witness to the nurse who was doing my blood work, one that was on stand by in case she was needed. Then nurse Susan, with tears in her eyes yesterday, gave me a huge hug saying she was so happy to see me. She couldn't stay and talk but took a track. Then the Psychologist, they felt I needed to see was such a sweet lady, my husband tried to give her a track but she simply replied that is nice, but no thank you. I'm sharing my day from yesterday because, No matter who you are, no matter where you go. Don't I ask, Don't be your own worse enemy. Don't neglect others! Don't say, Oh someone else will talk to that person! We never know what a day may hold. We never know when we will loose a loved one. We never know when one will have anaphylactic shock because of a medication, bee sting or anything!!!!

The picture I'm sharing is one I wasn't going to. God protected me and allowed me to pull through this.

January 2nd is about what I usually look like, the day before I was going in for my chemo was that Sunday January 7th. Then the the other 2 pictures the one being after they stabilized me and then the day after. God chose to let me pull this, and I'm forever Grateful for his protection and for the support of many, my husband being the my biggest supporter that was right with me.

So, If you my friend are reading this and don't know for sure your going to heaven I'd like to show you how you can know.
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
We're all sinners, and without Christ we can't go to heaven.
Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death...."
There's a payment for what we do. God has already paid for your sins! You don't need to pay for them. Why?
Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love toward us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
Right here it tells us, Christ died for you and me! He did this so we wouldn't have to pay for our own sins.
Romans 6:23 "...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Romans 10:13 "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
Salvation is a FREE gift! Anyone, you, me, your friend, a parent anyone can call upon the name of the Lord and he WILL nor might, not possibly, but WILL BE SAVED.
You simply call upon him by Faith.

If you will ask the Lord to save you. (Realize it's not the words that will save you, but your faith in Jesus Christ)

"Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner. Please forgive me of my sins. I now trust you as my personal Saviour. Come into my heart and save my soul from Hell. Please take me to Heaven when I die. Thank you for saving me, Jesus. Amen"

If you have read this and through Faith accepted Christ pleases leave me a comment that you trusted Christ so that I can rejoice with you.

Make Today Amazing by Trusting in Christ.

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