As we come into 2018 we need to think of all the fun things, all of what God can do, how God can use us and so much more. Don't dwell on the bad or what could happen.
As I say this I'm facing over 50 doctor appointments from January 8 to Dec 31st. I could let this ruin my time with my family as well as the year BUT I have a lot of exciting things to look forward to.
1. Caleb an Elizabeth's wedding.
2. Visiting with my grandbabies.
3. Going to Church being a part of the ministry.
These are just a few things I can look forward to.
I know that what I'm facing isn't going to be easy and it's not going to be fun, but with God all things are possible. When I started the clinical trial they told me I would lose my hair. I believe in the power of prayer! I also believe because of my praying God allowed me to keep my hair. Again, I've been told you'll lose you're hair during this 12 weeks of Chemo. If I do I'll be sad it won't be easy, but I'll be praying for God to allow me not to. Sort of odd but I can look forward to changing my hair style or color. LOL
Looking forward to 2018 for most is easy, but I'll have to work on it at times. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart.... it won't always be easy but I'm trusting in God to help me Look Forward to special times and to get through the hard times.
So as you start the new year, take one day at a time, praise God for that day and make it Amazing, by looking forward to your day, month, year!!
Friday, December 29, 2017
Monday, December 18, 2017
It's Ok to say, "No, I can't do that"
Good afternoon to all my amazing friends, family, prayer warriors and countless others. I have no idea who all reads this blog or who is praying for us during my journey. I do know that without a doubt the Lord is taking care of us through it all.
This week will start the Year long journey that I/we as a family are facing. During all the treatments, chemo and radiation we have a graduation to plan for, Jason has business math to finish, I have piano lessons, my wonderful husband has appointments to go to with me, some of his own appointments plus so much more. However we'll simply take the next 365 days one day at a time. Trusting in the Lord each step of the way!
For those who want to know my appointment tomorrow is at 9:30 then on Wednesday my day will start at 8:30 in the morning with Blood draw then approximately around 10 I'll start the infusion which will go for six hours. This will be my last treatment for 2017.
So that is the very short of a very long list of appointments, of which I was told about on Thursday. This past Thursday we had several things that were planned but by mid morning I had to say, "No, I'm unable to do that today." Not because I decided just not to do those things, but I needed time to process. If you are going through ANYTHING you need to be able to say, "No" sometimes. You may say, "but you've been going through these things for eight months what more is there to process?" Well, when I was told I had this other appointments I didn't know the extent of it all, and when my doctor called on Thursday it was a bit overwhelming. As I was told that afternoon, it's ok to say, No. I was also told, "you don't need to just push through and pretend everything is normal. Sometimes you need to take time out and process." I'm so thankful for that and the understanding of our (Interim) Pastor and his wife. Even though we had a big yearly event planned, they understood and I didn't have to worry about that evening.
It took me a lot of that afternoon, and evening to really process not only the upcoming appointments of the next year but other things.
So as you go through you daily lives, as you face different things in your life realize that sometimes you just need to say, OK, it's not a normal day, I need this time to process or I need to NOT do this or that. We all, myself included, have days where seeing people, talking with someone specific, or seeing certain people is hard it's ok. Once you realize that just because one isn't here or there doesn't mean necessarily mean they are sick, or don't want to see you, it very simply could be they are having to process things in their life.
So as you go through your day, Make it amazing, Make someone's day amazing. If they say, No don't take it personally but rather say ok an go on.
This week will start the Year long journey that I/we as a family are facing. During all the treatments, chemo and radiation we have a graduation to plan for, Jason has business math to finish, I have piano lessons, my wonderful husband has appointments to go to with me, some of his own appointments plus so much more. However we'll simply take the next 365 days one day at a time. Trusting in the Lord each step of the way!
For those who want to know my appointment tomorrow is at 9:30 then on Wednesday my day will start at 8:30 in the morning with Blood draw then approximately around 10 I'll start the infusion which will go for six hours. This will be my last treatment for 2017.
So that is the very short of a very long list of appointments, of which I was told about on Thursday. This past Thursday we had several things that were planned but by mid morning I had to say, "No, I'm unable to do that today." Not because I decided just not to do those things, but I needed time to process. If you are going through ANYTHING you need to be able to say, "No" sometimes. You may say, "but you've been going through these things for eight months what more is there to process?" Well, when I was told I had this other appointments I didn't know the extent of it all, and when my doctor called on Thursday it was a bit overwhelming. As I was told that afternoon, it's ok to say, No. I was also told, "you don't need to just push through and pretend everything is normal. Sometimes you need to take time out and process." I'm so thankful for that and the understanding of our (Interim) Pastor and his wife. Even though we had a big yearly event planned, they understood and I didn't have to worry about that evening.
It took me a lot of that afternoon, and evening to really process not only the upcoming appointments of the next year but other things.
So as you go through you daily lives, as you face different things in your life realize that sometimes you just need to say, OK, it's not a normal day, I need this time to process or I need to NOT do this or that. We all, myself included, have days where seeing people, talking with someone specific, or seeing certain people is hard it's ok. Once you realize that just because one isn't here or there doesn't mean necessarily mean they are sick, or don't want to see you, it very simply could be they are having to process things in their life.
So as you go through your day, Make it amazing, Make someone's day amazing. If they say, No don't take it personally but rather say ok an go on.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
The Journey continues
Hello from cold, snowy Maine! It's definitely beginning to look like Christmas around here. I'm sure many if not all of you have your tree up and your house is decorated for the Christmas season. This is one of my favorite holidays. This year seems to have a little extra specialness to it. Jesus gives us all life and he is leading his children through life. Yes there are trials and journeys we each must face, will face or are facing. One journey I think of is the one that I know many are facing this Christmas season and that is having loss a loved one. These dear friends and family are especially in my thoughts as we go through this Christmas. Then there are those going through the journey of illness, pain, heartbreak etc. These dear people also are in my thoughts and as much as I would rather not be a part of this group I am. However, as I told a dear friend earlier today, back in May I told the Lord no matter what the results I would give him the glory. So rather than looking at this as poor me, it's been what can God do through me that will bring glory to him.
I'm not sure if I have shared the following already so if I have please bear with me. Back in oh, January of this year maybe a little later in the year I had told the Lord I wanted to serve him more. In April my Pastor had asked me if I would help in an area, and I was thrilled to do that, I had started piano lessons again to improve my playing and learn more about music, I had also made decisions about Bible reading, Prayer, soul winning and many other things. Then as you know in May I was diagnosed with HER2+ ICD. At first I asked why? I;m going to serve you Lord, I have made steps in the direction of increasing areas, getting back to things I knew I needed to do, not just for me but for the Lord. Anyway, after the initial shock of everything and much love, support, and caring from several dear friends, my church, my Pastor, I knew I couldn't let this stop me. So I told the Lord no matter what you'll get the glory for everything.
Well, the Clinical Trial I did that was in Boston did what the doctors had hoped it would. I know it was of the Lord that it went as it did. Once I heard that I was cancer free, I was Praising the Lord and so excited, hoping and praying that I wouldn't have a lot more to go through. Well, if you are on Facebook you have seen some of what I will be facing for the next 12 months.
For an entire year I'll be having treatment every 3 weeks, this will continue to attack anything that possibly could be left from the cancer. The purpose for this is the HER2+ is a very aggressive cancer. If I was to say no to this treatment I would run a higher risk of it reoccurring. Then I'll have a total of 8 weeks of Chemo, which I'm very thankful I won't be getting the AC Chemo which is a harsh chemo. I'm able to go without that. However this will mean I'll have a greater chance of hair loss now. I am at peace with this, if I lose my hair, as of now I can say, "I'm prepared for it" now when it actually happens if it does.... well, I'll let you know then how I do. Lastly will be shortly after chemo is finished I'll have 6 weeks of Radiation.
For those who are asking why are you going through this if you are cancer free? The key reason is preventative! See, the chances of the cancer returning right now are greater than if I go through the year of treatments, chemo and radiation. Once I complete the year of everything my chance of it reoccurring is less than 10%.
Will I be sick during all this? Probably, but as Dr. Julia said, "everyone is different."
Hair loss, again I didn't loss it earlier which they are very surprised by. I believe it was a HUGE answer to prayer! I prayed and prayed that the Lord would allow me to keep my hair, and well, he did! "Ask and it shall be given you" The Bible clearly states that the Lord gives us the desires of our hearts and that's exactly what I believe he did.
Will I have stop any part of it because my body can't handle it? We'll have to see. However, again my prayer is that since the Doctors believe this is what I need that the Lord will allow me to go through everything with as little problems as possible. Just as I did the first round, I'll stay busy, I'll stay positive and trust in the Lord to take care of everything.
I have an in home nurse now so that if I have a problem or need her, all it takes is a phone call. Plus my oncologist is only 15 minutes away during the day. So with all the medicines, chemo, radiation that will take place I have medical staff close by. I have my church family who, by the way has been, next to my family, the biggest and greatest support anyone could ask for.
So my dear friends, though all this sounds terrible, trust me when I say, "I'm at peace with everything, God has and will get all the glory for everything." He won't get the glory only if it's good, though hard he will also get the glory for the bad/hard as well.
C - Concern not only for your family but others.
A - Abide in Him don't quit on God
N - Never give up, we weren't given life to just give up.
C - Caring for others, though you are hurting or sick put others first and show them you care.
E - Enduring all that is before you even on those days you don't feel up to it.
R - Rejoice in the Lord even when you don't feel like it.
Even with a word that is so awful, dreadful and fearful we can take and turn it around to be our platform, our encourager, our help to others.
So what will you do to Make Today Amazing! Or as a gift I received the other day, says, "Make Today Ridiculously Amazing!" Go out and share a your testimony or a testimony of one you know that would help another.
I'm not sure if I have shared the following already so if I have please bear with me. Back in oh, January of this year maybe a little later in the year I had told the Lord I wanted to serve him more. In April my Pastor had asked me if I would help in an area, and I was thrilled to do that, I had started piano lessons again to improve my playing and learn more about music, I had also made decisions about Bible reading, Prayer, soul winning and many other things. Then as you know in May I was diagnosed with HER2+ ICD. At first I asked why? I;m going to serve you Lord, I have made steps in the direction of increasing areas, getting back to things I knew I needed to do, not just for me but for the Lord. Anyway, after the initial shock of everything and much love, support, and caring from several dear friends, my church, my Pastor, I knew I couldn't let this stop me. So I told the Lord no matter what you'll get the glory for everything.
Well, the Clinical Trial I did that was in Boston did what the doctors had hoped it would. I know it was of the Lord that it went as it did. Once I heard that I was cancer free, I was Praising the Lord and so excited, hoping and praying that I wouldn't have a lot more to go through. Well, if you are on Facebook you have seen some of what I will be facing for the next 12 months.
For an entire year I'll be having treatment every 3 weeks, this will continue to attack anything that possibly could be left from the cancer. The purpose for this is the HER2+ is a very aggressive cancer. If I was to say no to this treatment I would run a higher risk of it reoccurring. Then I'll have a total of 8 weeks of Chemo, which I'm very thankful I won't be getting the AC Chemo which is a harsh chemo. I'm able to go without that. However this will mean I'll have a greater chance of hair loss now. I am at peace with this, if I lose my hair, as of now I can say, "I'm prepared for it" now when it actually happens if it does.... well, I'll let you know then how I do. Lastly will be shortly after chemo is finished I'll have 6 weeks of Radiation.
For those who are asking why are you going through this if you are cancer free? The key reason is preventative! See, the chances of the cancer returning right now are greater than if I go through the year of treatments, chemo and radiation. Once I complete the year of everything my chance of it reoccurring is less than 10%.
Will I be sick during all this? Probably, but as Dr. Julia said, "everyone is different."
Hair loss, again I didn't loss it earlier which they are very surprised by. I believe it was a HUGE answer to prayer! I prayed and prayed that the Lord would allow me to keep my hair, and well, he did! "Ask and it shall be given you" The Bible clearly states that the Lord gives us the desires of our hearts and that's exactly what I believe he did.
Will I have stop any part of it because my body can't handle it? We'll have to see. However, again my prayer is that since the Doctors believe this is what I need that the Lord will allow me to go through everything with as little problems as possible. Just as I did the first round, I'll stay busy, I'll stay positive and trust in the Lord to take care of everything.
I have an in home nurse now so that if I have a problem or need her, all it takes is a phone call. Plus my oncologist is only 15 minutes away during the day. So with all the medicines, chemo, radiation that will take place I have medical staff close by. I have my church family who, by the way has been, next to my family, the biggest and greatest support anyone could ask for.
So my dear friends, though all this sounds terrible, trust me when I say, "I'm at peace with everything, God has and will get all the glory for everything." He won't get the glory only if it's good, though hard he will also get the glory for the bad/hard as well.
C - Concern not only for your family but others.
A - Abide in Him don't quit on God
N - Never give up, we weren't given life to just give up.
C - Caring for others, though you are hurting or sick put others first and show them you care.
E - Enduring all that is before you even on those days you don't feel up to it.
R - Rejoice in the Lord even when you don't feel like it.
Even with a word that is so awful, dreadful and fearful we can take and turn it around to be our platform, our encourager, our help to others.
So what will you do to Make Today Amazing! Or as a gift I received the other day, says, "Make Today Ridiculously Amazing!" Go out and share a your testimony or a testimony of one you know that would help another.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
"The 'Clean Up' After the Celebration"
This particular title is not one I thought of. Actually in sharing my most recent update with a dear friend, Linda, she made the statement, "the 'clean up' after the celebration" and I really liked it. So I asked her if I could us it for the title to this post. If you are just following this blog or have been following it; the last 7 months have been full of various events in my life. Although there's not a particular scripture that goes with this topic I'm going to refer to one that I have used and depended on a lot since May 9th of this year.
Psalms 56:3-4
What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.
In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me."
Psalms 56:3-4
What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.
In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me."
Since my last post I've received news that, I'm cancer free! The Lord is receiving all the praise for this. I trusted in the Lord to lead us to the right doctors and for the Lord to give them wisdom in how to treat the cancer. Now in the worlds eyes, the clinical trial I did was what cured me, which yes without that I could very well not be cancer free. However as I look back over the last almost 7 months God has moved in so many ways and he allowed me to be cured.
I was afraid, but I trusted in Him and depended on Him. I had days where I let fear take hold, but as my pastors wife so graciously would remind me, I didn't stay there. I allowed the Lord to use me. I could have given up completely but we/I didn't. I continued taking piano lessons, I stayed in the singing group at church, on the days I could I went soul winning or visiting with either ladies in our church or with my husband. Most importantly and harder done than said, I turned it over to the Lord. I decided at the beginning that God would get the praise and glory for all that happened. I remember not to many weeks into the treatments, I told the Lord, You're going to have to take charge! I can't do this on my own, I need you Lord in order to get through! He did just that, the Lord took charge and well, here I am today.
So now I'm sure you're wondering what does the clean up after the celebration have to do with this. Well, on Monday 11/27 I met with 6 different doctors and nurses to learn what the stage of my journey would take. Some of this you may not understand but trust me, it's good :) After having my surgery I was called a week later by my surgeon letting me know my pathology reports were back and I am Cancer Free!!!
Psalms 57: 7-11 "My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed; I will sing and give praise. Awake up, my glory, awake, psaltery and harp; I myself will awake early. I will praise thee, O LORD, among thy people; I will sing unto thee among the nations. For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds. Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens: let thy glory be above all the earth."
I have written in the margin of my Bible next to these verses is, "God CAN and WILL see through this "bump" in the road! I just need to stay focused on Him!" I believe that as I approach my "clean up" it's because I did my best to keep my heart fixed on God, continued to sing his praises. I would awake and go to church on Sunday, I would awake and read the Bible and listen to godly music. As I was able to go out, I'd tell others of Christ and what he's done not only for me but the world. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."
So my "clean up" is going through a years worth of treatments, radiation and care. Though it sounds awful it is to care for what I HAD! The IDC (Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma), HER2+ is not anything to play with. There is different levels of chemo and I'm very thankful that I'll not need the AC of Chemo. I'll also have a lower strength of radiation.
The first part of everything will be 12 weeks. Then within a few weeks of that I'll have 6 weeks of radiation. As I approach each stage I'll give a little more about it. I did mention this would be a total of a year. This is because I'll have one part of the chemo that will go longer. I'm still trying to get it all figured out as far as the names of things. I'm by no means a doctor and most of these names are literally Greek to me. heehee So, the Clean up after the celebration is simply I was given wonderful news that I'm cancer free! Then a week later I'm told what I have to still go through even after such wonderful news. God is good and I REALLY can't complain at all. Yes, I'm sure I'll still have days, maybe weeks where I feel lousy but it's for the best.(at least I can say that right now :) )
I want to say I'm still doing my best to allow this to be a platform, a help, a possible encouragement for another. As I learned just the other day, another lady has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Cancer has no limits or favorites, it simply is a disease that attacks and it can be anyone of any age, race, size it matters not. However how you approach the first word of having it can determine so much. Some people will conquer it while others loss the battle. My biggest desire is to see no one with it, but if you have to go through it, Please don't try to go it alone! God wants and is ready, and willing to take your hand and guide you. He'll even carry you through at times. I love the saying, the teacher is quiet during the test. That is when you may think God's not there, he's just being quiet and carrying you. Be still and know God! So, even though clean up may not be easy I'm ready to start and get this year long clean up done!
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding". Proverbs 3:5
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Taking a Roller Coaster ride of emotions.....
Good Evening everyone I'm not sure exactly at this moment what I'll title this post because I have so much going through my mind, heart, so many emotions.... This week has been a week of tears, lose, Heavens gain, joy, wondering if I made a right decision. Remember Dr. Hyles preaching not to make a decision when your decision maker is broken. There's been physical pain, emotional pain, thankfulness and wondering why one must go so soon. These have all been my thoughts and emotions since last Monday morning on our way to Boston for my mastectomy.
This past Monday I had my first major surgery and yes I was nervous. Through prayer, and the prayers of many I am doing well. The scheduled two hour surgery only took 45 minutes which is a huge blessings! This is a blessing in that what they thought would be a lot of cancer to still remove was a lot less. I spent the night in the hospital and was able to come home on Tuesday. I now have an in home nurse who come 3 times a week for a few weeks.
The scars that will remain behind from having a mastectomy will always be there and as of yet, I'm completely ready for this part of life, but I can say, "God is good and he doesn't allow anything in our lives that we can't handle." So, after my surgery I did have the wonderful privilege to come home and have my momma here for a few more days. She and my daddy were here the week before and thank the Lord for friends who made it possible for her to stay an extra week so would be here after my surgery. Though the Lord has allowed me to see victories through my cancer Heaven has gained a very special Man of God, our Pastor, Rick Walters. He lost his battle to cancer and is now walking streets of gold and sitting at Jesus feet. His family and our church has lost a great man but Heavens gained. a true man of God.
As I mentioned this week has been a whole realm of emotions. Scars that I'll learn to live with, pain that will go away, decisions that weren't easy to make for my husband and I. Ladies, when you go through anything and if you are married, DO NOT exclude your husband! You and your spouse are ONE! I could never have made the decisions that we've made the last few months without the love and support of my spouse, my love, my husband! I couldn't have gone through any of this without the Lord! He'll never leave me nor forsake me!
Typing this is a bit painful as my lymph nodes were cut in my left arm due to the cancer. I am gaining back full use of my arm. god has given me grace, peace and strength to get through each day. so one handed typing isn't going to bad. smile
As you go through a trial, lose, or anything who do you depend on?
Psalms 40:2 "He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings."
I use this verse a lot but there's so much truth in it. "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understand. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Proverbs 3:9 "Honour the LORD with thy substance...."
Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say Rejoice!
Without Christ, the Bible, Prayer, Church, family, friends we/I couldn't get through this week and weeks to come. My desire is if you don't know Jesus as your Saviour that you would accept him. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world (put your name here) that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever (you) believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." Friend how many people that would give up their only child for the world, for you or anyone? The only one I know is our Lord! That just shows how much he loves you and wants you to be with him. How much he wants to be in your life, in your decisions, in your hard times, in your trials. If you have never asked Jesus to save you, please take the time to simply ask for his forgiveness and to come into your heart. I'd love to hear from you if you do this! If you need help feel free to contact me.
Yes, my heart is breaking for my Pastors family. Yes, I miss my Pastor. Yes, I have and am in pain at various points of my day and night. Yes, I have difficult decisions to make BUT I have my wonderful Lord to depend on and ONLY he can Make Today Amazing!!!
This past Monday I had my first major surgery and yes I was nervous. Through prayer, and the prayers of many I am doing well. The scheduled two hour surgery only took 45 minutes which is a huge blessings! This is a blessing in that what they thought would be a lot of cancer to still remove was a lot less. I spent the night in the hospital and was able to come home on Tuesday. I now have an in home nurse who come 3 times a week for a few weeks.
The scars that will remain behind from having a mastectomy will always be there and as of yet, I'm completely ready for this part of life, but I can say, "God is good and he doesn't allow anything in our lives that we can't handle." So, after my surgery I did have the wonderful privilege to come home and have my momma here for a few more days. She and my daddy were here the week before and thank the Lord for friends who made it possible for her to stay an extra week so would be here after my surgery. Though the Lord has allowed me to see victories through my cancer Heaven has gained a very special Man of God, our Pastor, Rick Walters. He lost his battle to cancer and is now walking streets of gold and sitting at Jesus feet. His family and our church has lost a great man but Heavens gained. a true man of God.
As I mentioned this week has been a whole realm of emotions. Scars that I'll learn to live with, pain that will go away, decisions that weren't easy to make for my husband and I. Ladies, when you go through anything and if you are married, DO NOT exclude your husband! You and your spouse are ONE! I could never have made the decisions that we've made the last few months without the love and support of my spouse, my love, my husband! I couldn't have gone through any of this without the Lord! He'll never leave me nor forsake me!
Typing this is a bit painful as my lymph nodes were cut in my left arm due to the cancer. I am gaining back full use of my arm. god has given me grace, peace and strength to get through each day. so one handed typing isn't going to bad. smile
As you go through a trial, lose, or anything who do you depend on?
Psalms 40:2 "He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings."
I use this verse a lot but there's so much truth in it. "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understand. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Proverbs 3:9 "Honour the LORD with thy substance...."
Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say Rejoice!
Without Christ, the Bible, Prayer, Church, family, friends we/I couldn't get through this week and weeks to come. My desire is if you don't know Jesus as your Saviour that you would accept him. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world (put your name here) that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever (you) believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." Friend how many people that would give up their only child for the world, for you or anyone? The only one I know is our Lord! That just shows how much he loves you and wants you to be with him. How much he wants to be in your life, in your decisions, in your hard times, in your trials. If you have never asked Jesus to save you, please take the time to simply ask for his forgiveness and to come into your heart. I'd love to hear from you if you do this! If you need help feel free to contact me.
Yes, my heart is breaking for my Pastors family. Yes, I miss my Pastor. Yes, I have and am in pain at various points of my day and night. Yes, I have difficult decisions to make BUT I have my wonderful Lord to depend on and ONLY he can Make Today Amazing!!!
Friday, October 27, 2017
Another Reality Check
Back in June I had written about having a Reality Check.... Well, I've kind of reached that stage again where there's another reality check. On this upcoming Monday I'll go through the various test that was done back in May and June. Only they'll pretty much ALL be in one day. *Bright side, I don't have to study for them Ha Ha!
So Monday will be about "normal" then we'll get to see some of Boston other than Dana Farber :) Tuesday though is going to be a little more intense. I'm not just meeting with doctors but with the surgeon. Now, with God all things are possible and they very well could say, NO surgery needed. However, from my understand the type of cancer I have that's the majority of the cure is having the surgery.
The last few post I've done, I've looked at different things Mrs. Marlene Evans wrote in two of her books. I'm so thankful for my Pastors wife who put out a request to get me these books and for the ladies who have allowed me to borrow or have them. I'm also so very grateful for my Pastor who prays for cares about the members of the church.
So, even though I'm NOT looking forward to any type of surgery I'm depending on the Lord to give peace, comfort and understanding as we meet with the doctors on Tuesday. So as I refer to another chapter in Mrs. Evans book "There's life after Cancer", "Have you ever felt as if no one, not even God, understood you and that you were cut off from the world? Affliction and trouble can overwhelm you. Others do feel that way even today. You are not alone." Psalms 102:7 "I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top."
The greatest thing is, that not even the sparrow goes unwatched by God? As his child, I am watched over and cared for more than ever. These long days of pain every time I stand or walk through the house, the Lord knows. When my hands hurt to the point I don't want to practice piano, the Lord knows!!! As I look at the last week I may have had 4 rough days, but today I was able to do a little more and enjoy it.
Romans 8:35-39 "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For they sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
We are more conquerors! That's exactly what I am! I won't give up and no matter what the Lord brings my way, I have the word of God to lean on, to encourage and teach!!
So by having the Bible, reading it, and letting the Holy Spirit speak to you through God's Word how can one go wrong. Making decisions with God on your side even if you don't understand the why, Remember Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
So following these tips in Mrs. Evans book:
1. Keep your Bible with you at all times!
2. Let the Bible direct you to soul winning!
3. Let the Bible direct you to church!
4. Let the Bible lead you to prayer! "Pray without ceasing."
As the journey of cancer has taken me down many roads, through many things I never thought I'd have to go through, One thing I am so thankful for this Journey has brought me and my family closer to God!
So as you make your day amazing by doing various things make sure that you never feel your alone because God is always there, you can always read your Bible and Pray. Make today Amazing just trusting in the Lord and remembering that he'll never leave you.
So Monday will be about "normal" then we'll get to see some of Boston other than Dana Farber :) Tuesday though is going to be a little more intense. I'm not just meeting with doctors but with the surgeon. Now, with God all things are possible and they very well could say, NO surgery needed. However, from my understand the type of cancer I have that's the majority of the cure is having the surgery.
The last few post I've done, I've looked at different things Mrs. Marlene Evans wrote in two of her books. I'm so thankful for my Pastors wife who put out a request to get me these books and for the ladies who have allowed me to borrow or have them. I'm also so very grateful for my Pastor who prays for cares about the members of the church.
So, even though I'm NOT looking forward to any type of surgery I'm depending on the Lord to give peace, comfort and understanding as we meet with the doctors on Tuesday. So as I refer to another chapter in Mrs. Evans book "There's life after Cancer", "Have you ever felt as if no one, not even God, understood you and that you were cut off from the world? Affliction and trouble can overwhelm you. Others do feel that way even today. You are not alone." Psalms 102:7 "I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top."
The greatest thing is, that not even the sparrow goes unwatched by God? As his child, I am watched over and cared for more than ever. These long days of pain every time I stand or walk through the house, the Lord knows. When my hands hurt to the point I don't want to practice piano, the Lord knows!!! As I look at the last week I may have had 4 rough days, but today I was able to do a little more and enjoy it.
Romans 8:35-39 "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For they sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
We are more conquerors! That's exactly what I am! I won't give up and no matter what the Lord brings my way, I have the word of God to lean on, to encourage and teach!!
So by having the Bible, reading it, and letting the Holy Spirit speak to you through God's Word how can one go wrong. Making decisions with God on your side even if you don't understand the why, Remember Proverbs 3: 5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."
So following these tips in Mrs. Evans book:
1. Keep your Bible with you at all times!
2. Let the Bible direct you to soul winning!
3. Let the Bible direct you to church!
4. Let the Bible lead you to prayer! "Pray without ceasing."
As the journey of cancer has taken me down many roads, through many things I never thought I'd have to go through, One thing I am so thankful for this Journey has brought me and my family closer to God!
So as you make your day amazing by doing various things make sure that you never feel your alone because God is always there, you can always read your Bible and Pray. Make today Amazing just trusting in the Lord and remembering that he'll never leave you.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
The Stop light of sickness
Funny thought to me using a stop light but once again I was reading one of Mrs. Marlene Evans book on Cancer I came across this. The title of the chapter in her book "There's Life After Cancer" is "Talking Your Sickness" in this chapter she used the stop light as her points. I will be using some of what she shared as I do this post. (bold and italic will be from her book exact) I want to say I've watched many people deal with things in their lives and I so admire the ones who didn't let what they were dealing with in their lives define them. I think of Mrs. Evans - she didn't let cancer define her but rather she defined it. There's Mrs. Carol Frye Tudor - her brother was very sick, He nor his sister allowed his sickness to define him. There's my dear friend, Mrs. Kelly Johnson she didn't allow cancer to define her. My prayer and goal is that as I go through life now and after cancer that I don't let any part of it define me, but rather that I use it for good. Yes, it's part of my life but it doesn't need to run or ruin my life.
So stop light sickness? HUM??
In Mrs. Evans book she says, "Use the red light about the people with whom you share the details of your aches and pains." What does she mean by this? After reading her statement on this, we don't need to tell every little ache and pain and the exact location of that pain to everyone. If you are asked specifically and it's someone you confide in, it's ok. However, don't go around telling every detail of your pains. There are some people you just don't ask how they are doing because you'll get word for word and detail for detail of their life. You don't have to be rude about it, there are times I'll be asked, "How are you today?" I recall on service I was asked this. I replied to one of the ladies at church with "I'm doing ok". She immediately says back, Now tell me the truth! Of course without great detail I told her a little about my day and how I was doing. Use a red light when talking sickness, know when to hush, know when to give a simple answer and when to give more detail.
The yellow light: "Use the yellow light as far as talking too much about pain, even with your "disease buddies." Use caution!! You can get depressed constantly discussing your sickness. Have "normal" conversations with family, friends, disease buddies be an encourager, uplifting others. Share scripture and pray together.
"Use the green light if talking about the particulars of your sickness helps you, ask God to help you find some people who have a similar need." I have done this very thing! It has helped having specific people I can go to, call, or even write and talk with them. Sometimes knowing someone else understands is the greatest help next to prayer and depending on our Lord for strength and support.
Friend, if you have a friend or loved one who has an illness don't always talk about that when you're with them. Let them live and enjoy life. As I've read these books and reviewed materials on HER2+ and on the IDC I've learned but I've not dwelt on it. I have missionary friends I call, my Pastors wife, and others that I know when I need to talk with them about my health.
As you, I have a children to raise, a husband to be the best I can be for, a house that I want to look nice and clean. Can I do it all by myself? Some days no! But I rejoice in the Lord on the days I can cook a meal for my husband and boys. I rejoice in the Lord on the days I can go up and down the stairs to do laundry. I thankful for the days I can sit and enjoy a meal with my family and not get sick. Look for the things in your life that will make your day amazing and then turn around do it and rejoice in the Lord that he's given you the strength to do those things.
So stop light sickness? HUM??
In Mrs. Evans book she says, "Use the red light about the people with whom you share the details of your aches and pains." What does she mean by this? After reading her statement on this, we don't need to tell every little ache and pain and the exact location of that pain to everyone. If you are asked specifically and it's someone you confide in, it's ok. However, don't go around telling every detail of your pains. There are some people you just don't ask how they are doing because you'll get word for word and detail for detail of their life. You don't have to be rude about it, there are times I'll be asked, "How are you today?" I recall on service I was asked this. I replied to one of the ladies at church with "I'm doing ok". She immediately says back, Now tell me the truth! Of course without great detail I told her a little about my day and how I was doing. Use a red light when talking sickness, know when to hush, know when to give a simple answer and when to give more detail.
The yellow light: "Use the yellow light as far as talking too much about pain, even with your "disease buddies." Use caution!! You can get depressed constantly discussing your sickness. Have "normal" conversations with family, friends, disease buddies be an encourager, uplifting others. Share scripture and pray together.
"Use the green light if talking about the particulars of your sickness helps you, ask God to help you find some people who have a similar need." I have done this very thing! It has helped having specific people I can go to, call, or even write and talk with them. Sometimes knowing someone else understands is the greatest help next to prayer and depending on our Lord for strength and support.
Friend, if you have a friend or loved one who has an illness don't always talk about that when you're with them. Let them live and enjoy life. As I've read these books and reviewed materials on HER2+ and on the IDC I've learned but I've not dwelt on it. I have missionary friends I call, my Pastors wife, and others that I know when I need to talk with them about my health.
As you, I have a children to raise, a husband to be the best I can be for, a house that I want to look nice and clean. Can I do it all by myself? Some days no! But I rejoice in the Lord on the days I can cook a meal for my husband and boys. I rejoice in the Lord on the days I can go up and down the stairs to do laundry. I thankful for the days I can sit and enjoy a meal with my family and not get sick. Look for the things in your life that will make your day amazing and then turn around do it and rejoice in the Lord that he's given you the strength to do those things.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Preparing to go places, Specifically Church
Over the past 5 months our lives have changed! Exactly 5 months ago October 12th, I was told, you have breast cancer. I'll not go through all of the details. Rather I have something else to share with you. I believe in a post last month I talked about things I have to do differently now. Well, During the month of May I pretty much did my usual when going some place. Then, I learned, as time has gone on; that some days it takes a lot more to go some place than it does other days. As I've been reading Mrs. Marlene Evans book "Cancer My Enemy My Friend" I have not only learned a lot but I've been able to apply scripture to so many areas of my life. If you've not had someone, or you haven't had an illness that is very wearing on your body you may not understand. So may I ask, as you read this that you for just a few minutes put yourself in my shoes.
In Mrs. Evans book she talks about How to Save Yourself for Church. I never really thought about it other than I knew on Saturday to stay home as much as I can. On Wednesday I go no place until Church time. But after reading this chapter in her book I have a new outlook on How to save myself for things such as piano, soul winning and most importantly church.
See on my chemo week (which I just finished round one) I had decided I won't do anything that week. That wasn't good for me. Now I do have to listen to my body and if it's saying NO I have to listen. Otherwise I'm down for more time than I like. So, how can I save myself for things that are important to me? With the assistance of a very dear lady who's now in Heaven I'm going to share with you how those of us who suffer from chronic pain, cancer, or any illness, can live life as close to normal as possible.
1. Prepare for the day you are wanting to go out. Like for me Thursday is when I generally have piano and ladies soul winning. I can prepare by a morning nap. By having everything ready to leave first thing in the morning. Then at 1 when I need to leave I'm rested and can keep my schedule as it was set. Maybe it's planning for church. Rather than waiting until Sunday morning to decide what I'm going to wear. (which honestly is my preference :) ) Choose your clothes the night before. I have a Sunday bag have it packed the night before. Now I know some of my very organized friends probably already do this and I maybe talking to some of you LOL.
2. On the day that you're wanting to go out Make Sure you take a Nap! On Sunday take an afternoon nap if needed to be in church Sunday night. Now there will be(and for me this has been) that even with the nap I still couldn't make it. You know your limitations and what you can and can't do.
3. Plan your food and medicines! I did this just last night. I know that sometimes after I eat I get sick within 30 minutes sometimes longer. So I planned for it not knowing what I might be eating at the Secret Pal night potluck. I'm very thankful that I did too.
4. Learn to say, "NO" not rudely but just simply that some activities you will need to change. Now if you know me I say Yes a lot faster than I say No. I love to help, serve and be a blessing. However since May I'm learning that can't always happen.
5. Pay attention to the Preaching. Put aside what is bothering you, or that you left dishes in the sink. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you through the sermon. It may be the very thing you need to get through you next infusion, your next appointment or just to get through the next week.
6. Sing, give your tithes and offerings, pray, be a part of the service, that you are able to be in that day! I can't count the number of times I went into church determined to enjoy being with my church family and to get something out of the sermon. Those were and are the best services I'm in. Because as hard as it is, I put aside what Paula was thinking on or what Paula is going through and focused on my church family and the service.
7. During this time you are down, become the best prayer warrior you can be! Pray for your Pastor, your assistant Pastor, for the deacons, for the church family!
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching." Hebrews 10:24 & 25
Friends as you read this, yes parts of each point are from Mrs. Evans book, but think about what so many people go through JUST TO GO TO CHURCH. I asked you to put yourself in my shoes as you read this. I have constant pain in my feet and some in hands from neuropathy. I can't let that stop me from ever serving God. Just recently I told the Lord pain or not I am going to continuing furthering my knowledge in music. I LOVE playing the piano, learning more about it. I'm not a professional by no means but I LOVE IT! What are you going through that you are allowing to rule you rather than you rule it?
When I was 12 years old, I told the Lord while in Mexico on a missions trip that I would serve him wherever and with whomever the Lord wanted me to be. I met in 1990 the Love of my life! In 1991 we were married. I have stood by my husband through thick and thin, now is sickness and health. We have had some very rough times but neither of us ran the other direction rather we clung to God and each other. Today, we live in the beautiful state of Maine, serving our Lord at the greatest church ever, Victory Baptist Church, with the Greatest Pastor Rick Walter. Our church is having a rough time right now, but you'll not see us run, or our Pastor run! Why? no matter the trial God is with us and he will carry us through what he brought us to.
So friend, Serve God, Healthy, chronic pain, illness that no one sees..... Let me say here, I do understand there are some who can't do all I've talked about. I also know, that no matter where you are YOU CAN PRAY!
So, make Today Amazing how? By preparing and planning for where you want, should go!
In Mrs. Evans book she talks about How to Save Yourself for Church. I never really thought about it other than I knew on Saturday to stay home as much as I can. On Wednesday I go no place until Church time. But after reading this chapter in her book I have a new outlook on How to save myself for things such as piano, soul winning and most importantly church.
See on my chemo week (which I just finished round one) I had decided I won't do anything that week. That wasn't good for me. Now I do have to listen to my body and if it's saying NO I have to listen. Otherwise I'm down for more time than I like. So, how can I save myself for things that are important to me? With the assistance of a very dear lady who's now in Heaven I'm going to share with you how those of us who suffer from chronic pain, cancer, or any illness, can live life as close to normal as possible.
1. Prepare for the day you are wanting to go out. Like for me Thursday is when I generally have piano and ladies soul winning. I can prepare by a morning nap. By having everything ready to leave first thing in the morning. Then at 1 when I need to leave I'm rested and can keep my schedule as it was set. Maybe it's planning for church. Rather than waiting until Sunday morning to decide what I'm going to wear. (which honestly is my preference :) ) Choose your clothes the night before. I have a Sunday bag have it packed the night before. Now I know some of my very organized friends probably already do this and I maybe talking to some of you LOL.
2. On the day that you're wanting to go out Make Sure you take a Nap! On Sunday take an afternoon nap if needed to be in church Sunday night. Now there will be(and for me this has been) that even with the nap I still couldn't make it. You know your limitations and what you can and can't do.
3. Plan your food and medicines! I did this just last night. I know that sometimes after I eat I get sick within 30 minutes sometimes longer. So I planned for it not knowing what I might be eating at the Secret Pal night potluck. I'm very thankful that I did too.
4. Learn to say, "NO" not rudely but just simply that some activities you will need to change. Now if you know me I say Yes a lot faster than I say No. I love to help, serve and be a blessing. However since May I'm learning that can't always happen.
5. Pay attention to the Preaching. Put aside what is bothering you, or that you left dishes in the sink. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you through the sermon. It may be the very thing you need to get through you next infusion, your next appointment or just to get through the next week.
6. Sing, give your tithes and offerings, pray, be a part of the service, that you are able to be in that day! I can't count the number of times I went into church determined to enjoy being with my church family and to get something out of the sermon. Those were and are the best services I'm in. Because as hard as it is, I put aside what Paula was thinking on or what Paula is going through and focused on my church family and the service.
7. During this time you are down, become the best prayer warrior you can be! Pray for your Pastor, your assistant Pastor, for the deacons, for the church family!
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as you see the day approaching." Hebrews 10:24 & 25
Friends as you read this, yes parts of each point are from Mrs. Evans book, but think about what so many people go through JUST TO GO TO CHURCH. I asked you to put yourself in my shoes as you read this. I have constant pain in my feet and some in hands from neuropathy. I can't let that stop me from ever serving God. Just recently I told the Lord pain or not I am going to continuing furthering my knowledge in music. I LOVE playing the piano, learning more about it. I'm not a professional by no means but I LOVE IT! What are you going through that you are allowing to rule you rather than you rule it?
When I was 12 years old, I told the Lord while in Mexico on a missions trip that I would serve him wherever and with whomever the Lord wanted me to be. I met in 1990 the Love of my life! In 1991 we were married. I have stood by my husband through thick and thin, now is sickness and health. We have had some very rough times but neither of us ran the other direction rather we clung to God and each other. Today, we live in the beautiful state of Maine, serving our Lord at the greatest church ever, Victory Baptist Church, with the Greatest Pastor Rick Walter. Our church is having a rough time right now, but you'll not see us run, or our Pastor run! Why? no matter the trial God is with us and he will carry us through what he brought us to.
So friend, Serve God, Healthy, chronic pain, illness that no one sees..... Let me say here, I do understand there are some who can't do all I've talked about. I also know, that no matter where you are YOU CAN PRAY!
So, make Today Amazing how? By preparing and planning for where you want, should go!
Saturday, October 7, 2017
"...Making a Difference."
Jude 22 "And of some having compassion, making a difference."
I'm not talking about having a compassion on me, but rather me having compassion on others. Yes, I'm going through a trial of cancer but that doesn't mean I stop having compassion and trying to make a difference in another persons life.
In my last post I mentioned a lady, Mrs. Betty who had gone on to heaven. She had compassion for others and she made a difference. She made a difference in my daughters life, in my moms life. in my life and in countless others lives. I met Mrs. Betty in April of last year when I went to NC for the baby shower of our first grandbaby. She was a greeter at the door of Twin Rivers Baptist Church with her husband. Mrs. Betty always had a smile, and friendly hello. To personally talk to her and see her was just a few times. However when she found out that her friend, my mom, daughter had breast cancer it wasn't long after that I received a card from her. She was sweet, encouraging, and uplifting in what she said. I never once asked her for anything, but I would send a thank you occasionally for praying for me. Then one day I received a blanket and she had put on it Proverbs 3:5-6 and Love, Mrs. Betty. There was other gestures of compassion that she showed as well. Although her own cancer had returned and although she had gotten sick, she continued to send me a card at least twice a month sometimes more. After her passing I was thinking how I could make a difference for someone!
So I'm going to give a few ideas that you, whether healthy or fighting an illness can do:
1. Write a letter ALL positive, uplifting, and encouraging. Don't lay your burdens on them yes we all have burdens but this is about them NOT you.
2. If you can a small gift occasionally.
3. Make it someone close or far away. The Lady I've chosen to try and make a difference in her life lives in another state.
4. Make a difference during your trial by witnessing to others and telling them of Christ. This will be the best and most crucial one of all. Use your trial, your time in the valley as a platform to help build the bridge and be a light for others.
These are just a few things that you can do having compassion and making a difference in another persons life. It only takes a few minutes of your time to make another filled loved and cared for.
Make Today Amazing how? Be the ONE to make a difference.
I'm not talking about having a compassion on me, but rather me having compassion on others. Yes, I'm going through a trial of cancer but that doesn't mean I stop having compassion and trying to make a difference in another persons life.
In my last post I mentioned a lady, Mrs. Betty who had gone on to heaven. She had compassion for others and she made a difference. She made a difference in my daughters life, in my moms life. in my life and in countless others lives. I met Mrs. Betty in April of last year when I went to NC for the baby shower of our first grandbaby. She was a greeter at the door of Twin Rivers Baptist Church with her husband. Mrs. Betty always had a smile, and friendly hello. To personally talk to her and see her was just a few times. However when she found out that her friend, my mom, daughter had breast cancer it wasn't long after that I received a card from her. She was sweet, encouraging, and uplifting in what she said. I never once asked her for anything, but I would send a thank you occasionally for praying for me. Then one day I received a blanket and she had put on it Proverbs 3:5-6 and Love, Mrs. Betty. There was other gestures of compassion that she showed as well. Although her own cancer had returned and although she had gotten sick, she continued to send me a card at least twice a month sometimes more. After her passing I was thinking how I could make a difference for someone!
So I'm going to give a few ideas that you, whether healthy or fighting an illness can do:
1. Write a letter ALL positive, uplifting, and encouraging. Don't lay your burdens on them yes we all have burdens but this is about them NOT you.
2. If you can a small gift occasionally.
3. Make it someone close or far away. The Lady I've chosen to try and make a difference in her life lives in another state.
4. Make a difference during your trial by witnessing to others and telling them of Christ. This will be the best and most crucial one of all. Use your trial, your time in the valley as a platform to help build the bridge and be a light for others.
These are just a few things that you can do having compassion and making a difference in another persons life. It only takes a few minutes of your time to make another filled loved and cared for.
Make Today Amazing how? Be the ONE to make a difference.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Love Lifted Me
Psalms 28:7 "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.
The above verse was the verse my Pastors wife shared earlier today. This verse has been such an encouragement today. As I share my day you'll understand why I have the title I have and the verse I'm using tonight.
So going back to this morning, I got up and prepared for my day and we'll for the first time in awhile felt I could do a little more before having to relax or even nap. A dear couple from our church, Bro. Danny and Mrs. Sandy came to visit. While they were here the first not so good news came in. Our Pastor, Rick Walter, was in the ER in the worst pain he's been in since being diagnosed with cancer. We then learned he would be admitted. As I read the verse I was reminded again God is his strength! God's my strength and loves us all.
Then just a short time after they had gone, my husband was on his way to work, he calls me. I learn that a friend who had cancer and was battling pneumonia had gone to heaven this morning. It was at first hard because she had loved, encouraged, supported, and much more after Mrs. Betty learned I had cancer. She had her own health issues but through love I was lifted up in prayer by a very wonderful lady.
Shortly after I found out about her passing, I recieved a call from another dear friend who also has had cancer, Mrs. Kelly. Why did she call, to encourage me, to let me know she understood and that she was praying. Again, the Verse was brought to mind, the Lord was helping me via friends.
After talking to Kelly, I knew I needed to do something, not just sit and fret. I tackled a fairly easy project, practiced piano, prayed for many.
Then to end my day, our assistant Pastors wife came over. She brought supper, we had a time of fellowship, had a piano lesson and enjoyed a little more fellowship. When she headed out I was refreshed by how my day had been.
I have shared this with you because love lifted me through friends. God encouraged me through friends. He helped me get through what could have been a bad Day, by friends. However this isn't just friends, these are friends who have heartaches, some times harder than what I'm going through. Some just as concerned for others as I am. See friends, no matter what your heartache or struggle, God can use you and his scripture to uplift, encourage and help others. My goal is to do the same as Jennie, Sandy, Kelly and Marion did today. Not just say I'll help, pray, etc But actually do it.
If none of the ladies had come, messaged or done anything I'd still have the Lord doing all this through his word. I'm thankful for those who go the extra mile.
I could list several others who have texted, called or messaged. Who are you encouraging in the Lord Today?
I'm not perfect, I hurt, I worry, just as the next person. However I trust in, lean on, depend on, love and serve the one whos love lifts me!
So make today Amazing by doing for another!
The above verse was the verse my Pastors wife shared earlier today. This verse has been such an encouragement today. As I share my day you'll understand why I have the title I have and the verse I'm using tonight.
So going back to this morning, I got up and prepared for my day and we'll for the first time in awhile felt I could do a little more before having to relax or even nap. A dear couple from our church, Bro. Danny and Mrs. Sandy came to visit. While they were here the first not so good news came in. Our Pastor, Rick Walter, was in the ER in the worst pain he's been in since being diagnosed with cancer. We then learned he would be admitted. As I read the verse I was reminded again God is his strength! God's my strength and loves us all.
Then just a short time after they had gone, my husband was on his way to work, he calls me. I learn that a friend who had cancer and was battling pneumonia had gone to heaven this morning. It was at first hard because she had loved, encouraged, supported, and much more after Mrs. Betty learned I had cancer. She had her own health issues but through love I was lifted up in prayer by a very wonderful lady.
Shortly after I found out about her passing, I recieved a call from another dear friend who also has had cancer, Mrs. Kelly. Why did she call, to encourage me, to let me know she understood and that she was praying. Again, the Verse was brought to mind, the Lord was helping me via friends.
After talking to Kelly, I knew I needed to do something, not just sit and fret. I tackled a fairly easy project, practiced piano, prayed for many.
Then to end my day, our assistant Pastors wife came over. She brought supper, we had a time of fellowship, had a piano lesson and enjoyed a little more fellowship. When she headed out I was refreshed by how my day had been.
I have shared this with you because love lifted me through friends. God encouraged me through friends. He helped me get through what could have been a bad Day, by friends. However this isn't just friends, these are friends who have heartaches, some times harder than what I'm going through. Some just as concerned for others as I am. See friends, no matter what your heartache or struggle, God can use you and his scripture to uplift, encourage and help others. My goal is to do the same as Jennie, Sandy, Kelly and Marion did today. Not just say I'll help, pray, etc But actually do it.
If none of the ladies had come, messaged or done anything I'd still have the Lord doing all this through his word. I'm thankful for those who go the extra mile.
I could list several others who have texted, called or messaged. Who are you encouraging in the Lord Today?
I'm not perfect, I hurt, I worry, just as the next person. However I trust in, lean on, depend on, love and serve the one whos love lifts me!
So make today Amazing by doing for another!
Sunday, September 17, 2017
The Potter knows the Clay
https://youtube/nSY9mM2ARL0 "The Potter knows the Clay"
Before I get to my topic just a little about us as a family and keeping our family in a routine and staying focused. Happy Fall! Happy Schooling! 🙄 Do everything decently and in order. That is exactly what we're trying to do. This is my youngest sons senior year and it's not exactly as I had planned it. Thankfully though my Lord knows what I wanted to do and what I can do. I'm also very thankful for a son, understands these changes. My wonderful husband is so amazing and he's my rock!!! Working long hours, going to my treatments with me, even cooking our noon meal most days yet always with a smile. I love him dearly!!
Hopefully you listened to the song at the beginning of this blog entry. The Potter, Jesus Christ, knows the Clay, you and me. We each face our own trial/fire. Though it takes time and prayers to know sometimes why you're going through the fire, don't fight the the Potter.
Thus far I believe there's been several purposes of my cancer.
1. To get closer to the Lord
2. To bring my family closer
3. To be a better soul winner
4. To help prepare one for facing the dreaded cancer
What else is there? I don't know, but as the pain grows in my feet from the neuropathy, I have two choices: a) fight the Potter and not let him show me what I'm to learn or b) learn, grow and let the Potter form the clay.
As I face the unknown in areas upcoming God is my Potter and he knows what I can handle.
What's your trial/fire? Don't fight the Potter but rather endure the pain and learn from it.
Our next appointment is actually tomorrow. First appointment at 11:00. This is my 5th appointment. Just one more treatment on this round of chemo, then I get a little break from chemo 😃
Friend if you don't know the Potter let me introduce you to Him.
He's my Saviour, he died on the cross not just for me but for you as well. Jesus did this because he loves us!
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
We're all sinners but God has forgiven us of our sins. All you need to do is ask Jesus to forgive you come into your heart! He wants to give you a home in heaven! More importantly Jesus wants to be the center of Your life!
So why not make your day amazing by accepting the fire you're in and that "The Potter knows the Clay!"
Before I get to my topic just a little about us as a family and keeping our family in a routine and staying focused. Happy Fall! Happy Schooling! 🙄 Do everything decently and in order. That is exactly what we're trying to do. This is my youngest sons senior year and it's not exactly as I had planned it. Thankfully though my Lord knows what I wanted to do and what I can do. I'm also very thankful for a son, understands these changes. My wonderful husband is so amazing and he's my rock!!! Working long hours, going to my treatments with me, even cooking our noon meal most days yet always with a smile. I love him dearly!!
Hopefully you listened to the song at the beginning of this blog entry. The Potter, Jesus Christ, knows the Clay, you and me. We each face our own trial/fire. Though it takes time and prayers to know sometimes why you're going through the fire, don't fight the the Potter.
Thus far I believe there's been several purposes of my cancer.
1. To get closer to the Lord
2. To bring my family closer
3. To be a better soul winner
4. To help prepare one for facing the dreaded cancer
What else is there? I don't know, but as the pain grows in my feet from the neuropathy, I have two choices: a) fight the Potter and not let him show me what I'm to learn or b) learn, grow and let the Potter form the clay.
As I face the unknown in areas upcoming God is my Potter and he knows what I can handle.
What's your trial/fire? Don't fight the Potter but rather endure the pain and learn from it.
Our next appointment is actually tomorrow. First appointment at 11:00. This is my 5th appointment. Just one more treatment on this round of chemo, then I get a little break from chemo 😃
Friend if you don't know the Potter let me introduce you to Him.
He's my Saviour, he died on the cross not just for me but for you as well. Jesus did this because he loves us!
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
We're all sinners but God has forgiven us of our sins. All you need to do is ask Jesus to forgive you come into your heart! He wants to give you a home in heaven! More importantly Jesus wants to be the center of Your life!
So why not make your day amazing by accepting the fire you're in and that "The Potter knows the Clay!"
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Learning more on my journey
Good evening friends, as each week passes I learn a little more of what life with cancer, life having chemo is like. It's not all fun an games that's for sure. To some because I'm on a trial with one of the top cancer centers in the US, they look at me as though all is great. I've been asked why don't you look sick? Well not all illnesses, diseases, health issues are visible.
Here's some of what I've learned over the past 9 weeks (this is my treatment range thus far).
1. I'm tired when most are ready to hit their day running.
2. I might sleep eight hrs be up for two and sleep another hour. Do I want to do this? No. It's something I'm having to adjust to.
3. I have pains at times others don't understand. I recently found out neuropathy is now a part of my life. If you don't know what this is, it affects your hands and feet. For me it's both, where another it might be only there hands.
I haven't let this stop me. Today for example it was frustrating to practice piano because my fingers felt tingly an a little numb at times. What did I do? I just kept going. Prayed for strength to get my practice time in and continued. Jeremiah 33:3 "Call unto me, and I will answer thee...."
4. Planning my day according to how I feel. Another blog was shared with me and the lady who has the blog had an entry on the Spoon Theory. Not the exact title but she used spoons to explain her energy level to a friend. That has helped our family in so many ways.
5. Having, learning to say, "no". This is really hard for me. Especially when I'm having a good day (s). This isn't just to others but to myself. My husband has told me many times, "know yourself". Well, I do, or so I thought. I'm learning more and more to "know" myself.
These are just a few things to help you, that may not understand, to understand more about those who suffer from an invisible illness.
I make each day amazing as I go though in odd ways, or silly ways, sometimes in important ways. I don't dwell on me. God gives me the strength I need from day to day. Trust in the Lord, lean on his word, grow in His word, pray without ceasing.
Yes I have my down days but I don't stay there. God's to good and he gave me an amazing day to make more Amazing! This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Friend call unto the Lord! Trust in the Lord!
Make Today Amazing!
Here's some of what I've learned over the past 9 weeks (this is my treatment range thus far).
1. I'm tired when most are ready to hit their day running.
2. I might sleep eight hrs be up for two and sleep another hour. Do I want to do this? No. It's something I'm having to adjust to.
3. I have pains at times others don't understand. I recently found out neuropathy is now a part of my life. If you don't know what this is, it affects your hands and feet. For me it's both, where another it might be only there hands.
I haven't let this stop me. Today for example it was frustrating to practice piano because my fingers felt tingly an a little numb at times. What did I do? I just kept going. Prayed for strength to get my practice time in and continued. Jeremiah 33:3 "Call unto me, and I will answer thee...."
4. Planning my day according to how I feel. Another blog was shared with me and the lady who has the blog had an entry on the Spoon Theory. Not the exact title but she used spoons to explain her energy level to a friend. That has helped our family in so many ways.
5. Having, learning to say, "no". This is really hard for me. Especially when I'm having a good day (s). This isn't just to others but to myself. My husband has told me many times, "know yourself". Well, I do, or so I thought. I'm learning more and more to "know" myself.
These are just a few things to help you, that may not understand, to understand more about those who suffer from an invisible illness.
I make each day amazing as I go though in odd ways, or silly ways, sometimes in important ways. I don't dwell on me. God gives me the strength I need from day to day. Trust in the Lord, lean on his word, grow in His word, pray without ceasing.
Yes I have my down days but I don't stay there. God's to good and he gave me an amazing day to make more Amazing! This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Friend call unto the Lord! Trust in the Lord!
Make Today Amazing!
Monday, August 21, 2017
Trusting God
rather than retyping this particular post I decided to share the link of my post. Hope you enjoy.
Make Today Amazing!
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
What is your "platform"?
Good evening! I hope each of you are having a wonderful day and that each of you are doing well in each area of your life. Over the past couple of days I've been reading in Matthew and well today, I couldn't get one thought out of my mind, use this journey as a platform. See back in May shortly after I was diagnosed I was talking with Mrs. Kelly Johnson, whom I share the same journey with. It of course isn't a journey we want to add people to but as time goes by others also will join the journey. Kelly had talk to me about having a platform for good, for encouraging, for giving the gospel and so on. As I was in Matthew 5 a verse that I'm sure you all know just jumped out at me, like never before.
Matthew 5: 16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is heaven." The part we'll look at in this verse is, "Let your light so shine before men...."
Are you using your platform to let your light shine? Are you being a witness to others? Are you using your life in Christ to show Christ? As we go about our daily lives we should be an example of Christ-likeness. Not this look at me I'm better than you, or I'm so good you should do as I do. No. We are to be a witness and let the love of Christ shine through us. It doesn't matter who you are or where you go. When it comes to witnessing to someone, put a deaf person in front of me and I can witness to them with no problems whatsoever. Put me in front of a hearing person and well, my shyness comes out immediately. I've wondered why I'm like that and I really can't say why. However, I will witness to the hearing just like I would a deaf person. I have to work harder on my platform of witnessing to the hearing but I allow Christ to lead and guide my words.
See my platform, can be used in a variety of ways. I can encourage another with cancer, by sending them notes, calling or visiting. I can use my own cancer to show another that life with cancer isn't the end of the world, that through Christ all things are possible. I can use the time I'm surrounded by those with cancer or other illness (My Mondays at Dana-Farber) that Jesus Loves them and cares for them just as he cares for me. There are many area's in my own life I can use as a platform, not for praise, but for uplifting, encouraging and letting my light shine for Christ.
In your place of work, you can have a platform as someone who is different. The one who doesn't tell the dirty jokes, the one who looks sharp and talks right. At school, if you are the teacher or the student you can have a platform. "Let your light so shine before men...."
So make your day amazing or even someone else's day amazing by being a light for Jesus Christ.
To give a brief update on how I'm things are going. I have 3 more treatments in Boston. The doctors are very pleased with how things are going. I seem to be having a much better time since my 3rd treatment unlike the 2nd where I was sick throughout almost the whole 3 weeks. God has very good to us in his provision.
My next appointment is August 28th, the Lord has already provided the finances for this trip. We are so very grateful for.
Make Today Amazing!
Matthew 5: 16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is heaven." The part we'll look at in this verse is, "Let your light so shine before men...."
Are you using your platform to let your light shine? Are you being a witness to others? Are you using your life in Christ to show Christ? As we go about our daily lives we should be an example of Christ-likeness. Not this look at me I'm better than you, or I'm so good you should do as I do. No. We are to be a witness and let the love of Christ shine through us. It doesn't matter who you are or where you go. When it comes to witnessing to someone, put a deaf person in front of me and I can witness to them with no problems whatsoever. Put me in front of a hearing person and well, my shyness comes out immediately. I've wondered why I'm like that and I really can't say why. However, I will witness to the hearing just like I would a deaf person. I have to work harder on my platform of witnessing to the hearing but I allow Christ to lead and guide my words.
See my platform, can be used in a variety of ways. I can encourage another with cancer, by sending them notes, calling or visiting. I can use my own cancer to show another that life with cancer isn't the end of the world, that through Christ all things are possible. I can use the time I'm surrounded by those with cancer or other illness (My Mondays at Dana-Farber) that Jesus Loves them and cares for them just as he cares for me. There are many area's in my own life I can use as a platform, not for praise, but for uplifting, encouraging and letting my light shine for Christ.
In your place of work, you can have a platform as someone who is different. The one who doesn't tell the dirty jokes, the one who looks sharp and talks right. At school, if you are the teacher or the student you can have a platform. "Let your light so shine before men...."
So make your day amazing or even someone else's day amazing by being a light for Jesus Christ.
To give a brief update on how I'm things are going. I have 3 more treatments in Boston. The doctors are very pleased with how things are going. I seem to be having a much better time since my 3rd treatment unlike the 2nd where I was sick throughout almost the whole 3 weeks. God has very good to us in his provision.
My next appointment is August 28th, the Lord has already provided the finances for this trip. We are so very grateful for.
Make Today Amazing!
Friday, August 4, 2017
What "dot" in your life is consuming you?
Good Morning! Kind of an odd topic isn't it? I was watching a video clip earlier and it had such truth to it. A classroom of students were ask to write what they saw on a paper they were given. On this paper in the center was One black dot. All the students focused their responses to that one black dot. Well, after watching this clip I thought how can you and I apply this to our lives?
What is the dot in your life? As you know because of this particular blog my dot is breast cancer. Now I can let this consume my every thought, action, emotion etc. An I will admit sometimes it consumes my day. Do I want it to? No, but there are times it does. So, how do I change this "dot" in my life to where it's not the center of everything?
One is giving it to the Lord. As I have probably said in every entry on my blog, God wasn't surprised, he knew what I would learn on May 9th when I went to the doctors. God knows what I have and will face from here on out. Now, even with knowing this I do have days such as this past Wednesday where it just seemed to consume my every thought. With prayer, and support from my husband and God I got through it. Then yesterday I was able to focus on the bigger picture of my life, learning and gaining knowledge about music, piano to be specific. To my surprise it's really starting to come together :) I'm starting to learn things that I wish I had learned years ago about playing the piano. I believe though, God knew this time of my life I would need a good, learning, focal point and Piano is it!
What is the dot in your life? As you know because of this particular blog my dot is breast cancer. Now I can let this consume my every thought, action, emotion etc. An I will admit sometimes it consumes my day. Do I want it to? No, but there are times it does. So, how do I change this "dot" in my life to where it's not the center of everything?
One is giving it to the Lord. As I have probably said in every entry on my blog, God wasn't surprised, he knew what I would learn on May 9th when I went to the doctors. God knows what I have and will face from here on out. Now, even with knowing this I do have days such as this past Wednesday where it just seemed to consume my every thought. With prayer, and support from my husband and God I got through it. Then yesterday I was able to focus on the bigger picture of my life, learning and gaining knowledge about music, piano to be specific. To my surprise it's really starting to come together :) I'm starting to learn things that I wish I had learned years ago about playing the piano. I believe though, God knew this time of my life I would need a good, learning, focal point and Piano is it!
I know so many with cancer, but if you are saved, living for the Lord and doing what he wants in Romans 8:28 and 31 we're told all things work together for good! I still sometimes question what's next, but also as the scripture says, "If God be for us, who can be against us?"
I'm not perfect nor do I claim to be, I just want to share what God's given me and let people saved and unsaved alike know that there is a God! He is the Great I AM! He is the Great Physician! He is All Knowing! He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! He is MY SAVIOUR and he wants to take your "dot" your all consuming trouble and bear it for you. If you are family reading this, a friend or someone I've never met God Loves You!
So yes, I focus on my cancer in this blog BUT I don't let it consume my every thought, my every day of life. It's there I know it is, and some days I'm in pain, in tears, even overwhelmed BUT God has me in his hands, and he will carry me through.
So on Sunday - I focus on the Lord, church, friends and family
On Monday - If not chemo day *smile such as this coming Monday the 7th of August. I focus on my home, my husband my children.
Tuesday and Wed I repeat part of Monday by focusing on my home, my husband and my children
Thursday - I get to add to that Piano with Mrs. Marion and soul winning telling other of Christ. (let me insert here soul winning isn't just one day a week it's all the time)
Friday - is kind of my day and I choose different things to do and focus on.
Saturday - many times I will rest and make sure health wise I'm able to be in church on Sunday and start all over on my focusing.
Now my weeks DO NOT always work out this way and there are some days that the "dot" takes over. But as my dear pastors wife has told me, "don't allow yourself to stay there". Meaning if it's a rough day or bad day don't stay there work on getting back to the positive, to what is good for you.
So, What is your "dot"?
Don't let it make your day un-amazing (is that a word *hee hee) but rather AMAZING!
Go out my friend and Make Today Amazing no matter what "dot" you have in your life.
Monday, July 31, 2017
911 Scripture to help Make your Day Amazing!
I just finished a book written by, Mrs. Marlene Evans. In there she had page after page of scripture verses. She called the 911 verses for the Chronically Ill. So today we're going to look at some verses that she listed some I've used already since starting this blog.
Today I want to share some of these verses with you. I may share some of what Mrs. Evans said them or I may put what I personally received from the verse. Scripture is the greatest medicine there is, it is uplifting, encouraging, and yet you can glean from it, learn, and be convicted by what you read. When our Lord wrote the Bible I'm so thankful he cared for me as well as the rest of the world.
This first scripture verse is one that I have recently dealt with and that is being overwhelmed.
Psalms 77:3 "I remembered God, and was troubled: I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed. Selah"
As I read this we're not the only ones to be overwhelmed with life, our health, finances. It's ok to be overwhelmed but don't stay there! Go to God and he will help you.
Psalms 91:11 "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."
The angels are there watching over us!
There's many verses in Psalms 91 that I could put here as Mrs. Evans said, "a good chapter to memorize to you peace for the nighttime jitters."
One of my many favorites
Psalms 107:1 "O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever."
This verse was a little hard for me to read at first but I'm learning being afflicted to get closer to God is worth it. Psalms 119:71 "It is good for that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statues."
Another of my favorites Psalms 139:14 "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
This was one I touched on in my last entry when I looked at the whole chapter of Psalms 139.
II Timothy 2:3 "Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ."
Mrs. Evans put it perfectly, "Do you think what is awaiting you so much today might be preparing you to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ tomorrow?"
Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Having peace about things isn't always easy but I found once I accepted this journey and I had peace with what was happening and that God knows my tomorrows, I was able to better adjust my life. Now I do still have days where it's hard to make those life changes, but thank the Lord he's gives the peace that passeth all understanding.
Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice."
This was one of Mrs. Evans favorite verses and as we, my family, have gone through different journeys of our life. Rejoicing in the Lord alway, has been something I do my best to do. He knows my future so why not rejoice in the Lord. He won't give me anything I can't handle.
Lastly though there are many, many more Psalms 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
I want to have the right testimony, the right spirit, the right attitude about all this. I have my days where I doubt, or ask why, or maybe get overwhelmed; BUT God can and will create a clean heart and renew my spirit if I only seek him and ask.
Family, friends, God is the true God! The only God! He wants to save you. God wants you to come to him, believe in him and accept him. He wrote the best love story there is the Bible! He wrote the best instruction manual for life there is, the Bible! Put aside your own thoughts and feelings and trust in the Lord.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5 & 6
I've been asked, how can you be so happy knowing you have cancer. It's because I know the Lord, he's going to be with me all the way through this journey. Do I know the final outcome? No, but I do know the Lord and he gave his only begotten son to die on the cross and he lives today, he's also watching over me, his child.
You can have this same peace if you would trust in Him. Please post in the comments if you have any questions or find a good Independent Fundamental Baptist Church in your area and go see their Pastor. If you need help finding a church in or near where you live let me know. I'd love to help you find a church.
Make today amazing
This first scripture verse is one that I have recently dealt with and that is being overwhelmed.
Psalms 77:3 "I remembered God, and was troubled: I complained, and my spirit was overwhelmed. Selah"
As I read this we're not the only ones to be overwhelmed with life, our health, finances. It's ok to be overwhelmed but don't stay there! Go to God and he will help you.
Psalms 91:11 "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways."
The angels are there watching over us!
There's many verses in Psalms 91 that I could put here as Mrs. Evans said, "a good chapter to memorize to you peace for the nighttime jitters."
One of my many favorites
Psalms 107:1 "O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever."
This verse was a little hard for me to read at first but I'm learning being afflicted to get closer to God is worth it. Psalms 119:71 "It is good for that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statues."
Another of my favorites Psalms 139:14 "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
This was one I touched on in my last entry when I looked at the whole chapter of Psalms 139.
II Timothy 2:3 "Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ."
Mrs. Evans put it perfectly, "Do you think what is awaiting you so much today might be preparing you to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ tomorrow?"
Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
Having peace about things isn't always easy but I found once I accepted this journey and I had peace with what was happening and that God knows my tomorrows, I was able to better adjust my life. Now I do still have days where it's hard to make those life changes, but thank the Lord he's gives the peace that passeth all understanding.
Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice."
This was one of Mrs. Evans favorite verses and as we, my family, have gone through different journeys of our life. Rejoicing in the Lord alway, has been something I do my best to do. He knows my future so why not rejoice in the Lord. He won't give me anything I can't handle.
Lastly though there are many, many more Psalms 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
I want to have the right testimony, the right spirit, the right attitude about all this. I have my days where I doubt, or ask why, or maybe get overwhelmed; BUT God can and will create a clean heart and renew my spirit if I only seek him and ask.
Family, friends, God is the true God! The only God! He wants to save you. God wants you to come to him, believe in him and accept him. He wrote the best love story there is the Bible! He wrote the best instruction manual for life there is, the Bible! Put aside your own thoughts and feelings and trust in the Lord.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5 & 6
I've been asked, how can you be so happy knowing you have cancer. It's because I know the Lord, he's going to be with me all the way through this journey. Do I know the final outcome? No, but I do know the Lord and he gave his only begotten son to die on the cross and he lives today, he's also watching over me, his child.
You can have this same peace if you would trust in Him. Please post in the comments if you have any questions or find a good Independent Fundamental Baptist Church in your area and go see their Pastor. If you need help finding a church in or near where you live let me know. I'd love to help you find a church.
Make today amazing
Friday, July 21, 2017
Psalms 139 - You are Beautiful
Good afternoon! My second round of chemo went well as far as the treatment. This week has been a little rough on me, I've had a slower time of getting back to doing and going as I do. Then on top of it, I realized (again) that I need to get school materials ordered because we need to start my youngest, Senior year..... Plus there are things that could take place over the next several weeks that I need to care for and with the right spirit. So before we start on what my topic is about I want to share a little of my past week with you.
I would have posted last week but I had the privilege of having my beautiful daughter and granddaughter here with me for a few days. We had the home going service for my brother-in-law Dan Tolman, then our regular church services on Sunday and Monday we were in Boston. So today has been the first day I've actually felt human enough to sit at the computer and do anything :)
So as a Grammy I have to share a few pictures *smiling The first three are part of our visit with Tabitha and Audrey! We had a great visit with them. I loved having them with us and the timing was perfect, although way to short!


The next two are from my treatment the Monday following their visit. Making my day amazing by being with my husband and smiling together, laughing together and more importantly praying together.
As I've looked at various pictures and I know what is to come or what could be in the future I remember the passage that a former Pastor had suggested I read several years ago for 30 days. It was such a blessing and helped me tremendously, that I decided with what I'm going through now I would read it again only, not just for 30 days, but for as many days I need to get through each day, along with my other Bible reading.
I wanted to share this passage with you today: As you read it don't think of me, but rather think of yourself and what God can do for you through these verses.
Psalms 139:1-24
1. O Lord, thou hast searched me, and know me.
2. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.
3. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways.
4. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.
5. Thou has beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.
6. Such knowledge is to wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.
7. Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
8. If I ascend up into heaven, thou are there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou are there.
9. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
10. Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
11. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
12. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
13. For thou has possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
14. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are they works: and that my soul knoweth right well.
15. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
17. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
18. If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
19.Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.
20. For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take they name in vain.
21. Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?
22. I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
23. Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
24. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Just think about this passage of scripture. When you feel unworthy or down just read and reread until the Lord speaks to you through this.
Verse 14 - is one that for now is a key verse for me. God made me as he wanted. He knew before I ever had cancer what was going to happen. As a dear friend reminded me just yesterday my outer looks don't define me, Paula Seavey, its what is inside that defines me. Yes, I'll have my days that I don't feel as though I was fearfully and wonderfully made, but with God's help, my husband standing by me, and dear friends as I mentioned, are with me, by my side, praying for and with me. I will do my best to remember:
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
Lastly, allow God to search your heart, allow God to enter in and clean up your life. It doesn't matter what you have done God Loves you and he wants to lead you in the way everlasting.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
He loved you so much he gave his ONLY Son! The Lord truly wants to know your heart, to lead you, to show you that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Cancer - yes you define my health BUT what you may do to my body you don't define! It maybe a picture of what I have. However, my life is what defines me, I'm a Christian, a woman who wants to serve God and to live for him many more years to come!
So, lets make today amazing by not let your circumstances define us. Let your light so shine for Him!
I would have posted last week but I had the privilege of having my beautiful daughter and granddaughter here with me for a few days. We had the home going service for my brother-in-law Dan Tolman, then our regular church services on Sunday and Monday we were in Boston. So today has been the first day I've actually felt human enough to sit at the computer and do anything :)
So as a Grammy I have to share a few pictures *smiling The first three are part of our visit with Tabitha and Audrey! We had a great visit with them. I loved having them with us and the timing was perfect, although way to short!
Cuddle time with Pa and Grammy


The next two are from my treatment the Monday following their visit. Making my day amazing by being with my husband and smiling together, laughing together and more importantly praying together.
As I've looked at various pictures and I know what is to come or what could be in the future I remember the passage that a former Pastor had suggested I read several years ago for 30 days. It was such a blessing and helped me tremendously, that I decided with what I'm going through now I would read it again only, not just for 30 days, but for as many days I need to get through each day, along with my other Bible reading.
I wanted to share this passage with you today: As you read it don't think of me, but rather think of yourself and what God can do for you through these verses.
Psalms 139:1-24
1. O Lord, thou hast searched me, and know me.
2. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off.
3. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways.
4. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether.
5. Thou has beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.
6. Such knowledge is to wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.
7. Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?
8. If I ascend up into heaven, thou are there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou are there.
9. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;
10. Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
11. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.
12. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
13. For thou has possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
14. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are they works: and that my soul knoweth right well.
15. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
17. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
18. If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand: when I awake, I am still with thee.
19.Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.
20. For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take they name in vain.
21. Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?
22. I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
23. Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
24. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Just think about this passage of scripture. When you feel unworthy or down just read and reread until the Lord speaks to you through this.
Verse 14 - is one that for now is a key verse for me. God made me as he wanted. He knew before I ever had cancer what was going to happen. As a dear friend reminded me just yesterday my outer looks don't define me, Paula Seavey, its what is inside that defines me. Yes, I'll have my days that I don't feel as though I was fearfully and wonderfully made, but with God's help, my husband standing by me, and dear friends as I mentioned, are with me, by my side, praying for and with me. I will do my best to remember:
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
Lastly, allow God to search your heart, allow God to enter in and clean up your life. It doesn't matter what you have done God Loves you and he wants to lead you in the way everlasting.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
He loved you so much he gave his ONLY Son! The Lord truly wants to know your heart, to lead you, to show you that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Cancer - yes you define my health BUT what you may do to my body you don't define! It maybe a picture of what I have. However, my life is what defines me, I'm a Christian, a woman who wants to serve God and to live for him many more years to come!
So, lets make today amazing by not let your circumstances define us. Let your light so shine for Him!
Friday, July 14, 2017
Being Thankful In My Circumstance
The Bible says to give thanks but have you ever stopped and thought about that? Giving thanks for cancer?! Really? YES and I'm going to share some reasons I am thankful even through the trial of cancer.
• I can still serve God
● I have a husband (wife depending who you are) who loves and supports me
● I have children to love and live for.
● I learned of my diagnosis rather than just dying not ever knowing I had it.
● I'm able to get up and do things daily.
● the phone that rings all day, text that come in, cards and gifts that come in the mail; reminds me of friends who love and care for me.
● the drive to Boston that I'm able to make
● the doctors who truly care about my circumstances
● the blood draws that I greatly dislike
● then at close of day the prayers for continued health and thanking God I can serve him, live, and have an amazing day again tomorrow.
So you see my friend I give thanks because I am Blessed Beyond Measure with much to be thankful for. Which this is just a drop in the bucket of what I'm thankful for! I could write all night if I listed everything. So what are you thankful For?
My next appointment is Monday at 8 am in Boston so until then, "Make Today Amazing! "
It's amazing what praising can do
Alleluia Alleluia
Oh it's amazing what praising can do
I don't worry when things go wrong
Jesus fills my heart with a song
Oh it's amazing what praising can do
Thank the Lord for your circumstances and just keep on keeping on.
• I can still serve God
● I have a husband (wife depending who you are) who loves and supports me
● I have children to love and live for.
● I learned of my diagnosis rather than just dying not ever knowing I had it.
● I'm able to get up and do things daily.
● the phone that rings all day, text that come in, cards and gifts that come in the mail; reminds me of friends who love and care for me.
● the drive to Boston that I'm able to make
● the doctors who truly care about my circumstances
● the blood draws that I greatly dislike
● then at close of day the prayers for continued health and thanking God I can serve him, live, and have an amazing day again tomorrow.
So you see my friend I give thanks because I am Blessed Beyond Measure with much to be thankful for. Which this is just a drop in the bucket of what I'm thankful for! I could write all night if I listed everything. So what are you thankful For?
My next appointment is Monday at 8 am in Boston so until then, "Make Today Amazing! "
It's amazing what praising can do
Alleluia Alleluia
Oh it's amazing what praising can do
I don't worry when things go wrong
Jesus fills my heart with a song
Oh it's amazing what praising can do
Thank the Lord for your circumstances and just keep on keeping on.
Monday, July 3, 2017
Make Today Amazing 💞
Changes come to us every day, some are visible while others are only felt by you. People hear you have this illness or that when they look at you the thought is, "but they don't look sick."
There's many who suffer from headaches, they suffer from lupus, they suffer from cancer, maybe they suffer from other things not visible to all.
As I think of many whom I'll not name that suffer daily in pain, or tiredness, ect. As Christians we can, praise the Lord for our good days because, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Psalms 139:14 God made us each as he wanted, some with lupus, some with leukemia, others breast cancer, other types of cancers. While yet some some suffer from headaches etc.
If you are unsaved this may not make sense to you. When you depend on God though and he lives in your heart you can do as I Peter 5:7 says, "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." So my friend no matter what you can call upon the Lord and first he'll forgive you of sins. See in Romans 3:23 we're told "For all have sinned...." That's you, me the whole world. However it doesn't end there in 5:8 "...God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
Because God loves us he gave his Only Son for you and Me! Why did he do this? Because he loves us! Romans 10:13 "For whosoever (your name) shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." You don't have to work for this just simply believe, have faith that God and God alone can and will save you!
Getting through an illness isn't easy but going through the fire with God makes it a lot easier. Yes you still hurt, still have pain, still have to see doctors but you have the peace that passeth all understanding. So yep you an I may be going through changes but with God all things are possible.
So no matter the illness, stop an take the time to make Today Amazing through it all!!
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Determined not to give in.....
Before I go into my post a want to share a blessing: my CT scan revealed no other cancer than what we already knew about! God is good and he's answering prayers!
Make Today Amazing!!!
Wow, for the first time since my diagnosis I had to really determine that I would make Today Amazing.
If you are following my progress on this past Monday the 26th I had my first round of infusions.
So to back up a few hours our day started at 2:45 am leaving home at 3. We then drove to Boston where we, my husband and I, would be for 13 Hrs!
I started the day with a second biopsy which was a little harder than the first in which I can't explain why. I was very emotional and my doctor for this was so sweet, she had 3 Days left of her internship. Then she was returning back to her home out west. She and the other two doctors were so sweet and kind. One of which is saved 🙄 I did get to witness to the other two seeing as to how none of us could leave the room, a captured audience 🙂😲 I don't know if they can't or won't but neither would really give an exact answer if they accepted Christ. They did however take a tract.
They asked me all kinds of questions about my family, my church and even how I met my husband. Now I don't know many doctors who do this, actually I don't know any doctor that does that! So anyway back to the day. I got through biopsy and then had 4 hrs before blood work was to be done. After this was done treatment was started. Finishing up at 8:30 pm of which I was not feeling well so we had to then wait for some medicine so I could travel home. We then arrived home around 1 am Tuesday morning.
The Chemo part of what I am doing is very little. So I don't have a lot of side affects as of now. As I learn more about this of course I'll share it. Tuesday I barely remember as I slept the majority of a 24 hr day.
Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ...." I mentioned in the topic determined not to give in. When i got up this morning it would have been very easy for me to do nothing. However, my husband saw the need for me to venture out for a quick errand with him. I'm so glad I did! Gods good all the time!! See i could have easily said, no I need to stay here, but I knew as well getting out was needed.
I'll still take it easy and not over do it just wanted to remind you, don't let your situation, no matter what it is, get you down and keep you there. I could have done just that, but through Christ, my husband and prayer I had an amazing Day!
Time out with my husband that was not doctor related! Went to church and was so thankful I Did!
Made Today Amazing!!!
As for upcoming appointments July 17th will be my second treatment. August 7th will be number three. So between now and then, I'm going to enjoy what God has given me, and make each day amazing!
Make Today Amazing!!!
Wow, for the first time since my diagnosis I had to really determine that I would make Today Amazing.
If you are following my progress on this past Monday the 26th I had my first round of infusions.
So to back up a few hours our day started at 2:45 am leaving home at 3. We then drove to Boston where we, my husband and I, would be for 13 Hrs!
I started the day with a second biopsy which was a little harder than the first in which I can't explain why. I was very emotional and my doctor for this was so sweet, she had 3 Days left of her internship. Then she was returning back to her home out west. She and the other two doctors were so sweet and kind. One of which is saved 🙄 I did get to witness to the other two seeing as to how none of us could leave the room, a captured audience 🙂😲 I don't know if they can't or won't but neither would really give an exact answer if they accepted Christ. They did however take a tract.
They asked me all kinds of questions about my family, my church and even how I met my husband. Now I don't know many doctors who do this, actually I don't know any doctor that does that! So anyway back to the day. I got through biopsy and then had 4 hrs before blood work was to be done. After this was done treatment was started. Finishing up at 8:30 pm of which I was not feeling well so we had to then wait for some medicine so I could travel home. We then arrived home around 1 am Tuesday morning.
The Chemo part of what I am doing is very little. So I don't have a lot of side affects as of now. As I learn more about this of course I'll share it. Tuesday I barely remember as I slept the majority of a 24 hr day.
Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ...." I mentioned in the topic determined not to give in. When i got up this morning it would have been very easy for me to do nothing. However, my husband saw the need for me to venture out for a quick errand with him. I'm so glad I did! Gods good all the time!! See i could have easily said, no I need to stay here, but I knew as well getting out was needed.
I'll still take it easy and not over do it just wanted to remind you, don't let your situation, no matter what it is, get you down and keep you there. I could have done just that, but through Christ, my husband and prayer I had an amazing Day!
Time out with my husband that was not doctor related! Went to church and was so thankful I Did!
Made Today Amazing!!!
As for upcoming appointments July 17th will be my second treatment. August 7th will be number three. So between now and then, I'm going to enjoy what God has given me, and make each day amazing!
Friday, June 23, 2017
Here we go....
Good evening everyone! Well, Mondays the day! I'll be going to Boston with my husband and I'll have one more biopsy done, blood work and start my first round of treatments. Then I'll have treatments every three weeks over 18 weeks making a total of 6. Once we get towards the end of this I'll inform you more of what's to follow.
This really is a mixed emotion I'm anxious to get going, but yet I would almost be ok with forgetting the whole thing. Before anyone thinks I'm seriously thinking about forgetting it, it's just part of the thought process, it's me being human. I've had such an outpouring of love, support, cards, calls, text etc that I know Gods in control. Even today with the yo-yo affect of Mondays appointment possibly needing to be moved, to it was moved, then no we can keep it on Monday, I knew God had his hand in the process the whole time. Now I was a little disappointed in that I'll miss hearing Pastor Fugate preach and the tour group from Commonwealth Baptist College sing but it'll all be good.
Simply put your faith, your trust, your life in God's hands and he'll take care of you!
May I remind you, God loves you and he gave His son for you. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life." Notice matter the "yo-yo" in your life, no matter the bumps and bridges you happen upon. God loves you!
God's love for you can make your today absolutely amazing!
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Reality Check
Good afternoon everyone. As many of you know I had surgery yesterday to have my port put in. Now just in case you aren't familiar with what a port is, this is something you have surgically put in to literally save on being stuck hundreds of times. This allows one needle into one area all the time for blood work, medicine etc.
Since having this surgery reality hit me this morning. Yes, I've known from the beginning all this was real and that I couldn't change it. However, Today I've been alone, boys working, soul winning, helping set up for a big day at church tomorrow, husbands working and well.... tears flowed!
So I went back a little bit ago and read this...
Since having this surgery reality hit me this morning. Yes, I've known from the beginning all this was real and that I couldn't change it. However, Today I've been alone, boys working, soul winning, helping set up for a big day at church tomorrow, husbands working and well.... tears flowed!
So I went back a little bit ago and read this...
Since May 12, I, we, have begged God and ask him to heal me, or help me to get through this. So through many tears, uncertainty, even being scared I realized again, God's in control. As the Bible says in another passage,
"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee".
I'm human just like everyone else, I fear things sometimes but thank the Lord I'm not Alone! I have the Lord on my side, I have my family, my church family, my friends and many others.
So as I did today, I'll probably do many times more, I'll cry, I'll pray but I'll trust in God to help make today Amazing! So yes, reality had a check up today but reality also helped me to regroup while alone at home.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
God's Good!
Wow! What a perfect day Sunday was! We had several visitors at church, preaching was Great, song service amazing and so much more. Then Sunday night we had 4 languages being used in Church, Italian, Spanish, Sign language and English!
An exchange student, Miss Monica, will be returning to Italy this week sang, "Amazing Grace" in English and Italian. Absolutely beautiful! I hope you will enjoy this.
An exchange student, Miss Monica, will be returning to Italy this week sang, "Amazing Grace" in English and Italian. Absolutely beautiful! I hope you will enjoy this.
Not only was the day good in that way, but God supplied the exact amount of money needed to make it possible to go to Boston Monday and buy Groceries! Not only did he provide that way, but he gave us good news. The cancer is stage 2 and my doctor couldn't find any thing in the lymph nodes, If that isn't God then I don't know what is!! See we are told to pray and the Bible states in Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered together in my name...." I believe that God has heard and is still listening to the many prayers not only by me, but by all the ones who are praying for me throughout the US and the world. Then not only was I told that it's stage 2 and the lymph nodes appear to have no cancer, but my EKG came back perfect! My heart is pumping blood and doing what it's suppose to do. All this is because of God! Let me say, though it would be hard if all this was the opposite it would still be of God, because that is what he would want for me. We're to praise him through the valley as well as on the mountain top. Yes, this is a valley for us, but he's brought a little sunshine to that valley.
The next update hopefully won't take as long I had a lot going on and I've also been staying focused on learning more about piano, going soul winning, being in church and enjoying my family. The next step in my journey is out patient surgery, tomorrow at noon EST. I would be incorrect to say I'm not worried about tomorrow, because I am. I've never had any type of surgery which means I've never been sedated. So yea, I'm nervous.
My friend, I don't know your journey, I don't know you story, but I do know who can and wants to lead you through your journey and be the topic of your story. His name is Jesus. He died and rose again for YOU and for me. He came to earth just for YOU! If you don't know today that you will go to heaven don't hesitate to ask me how to make this a sure thing in your life. We don't know what tomorrow holds but we do know God already knows all our tomorrows, He knows your name and he wants to save you. Please feel free to comment and I would be more than happy to share with you the gospel.
So my dear friends, Make Today Amazing!!
Saturday, June 10, 2017
Make Today Amazing with a "Normal" Day
Good afternoon! Well, today has been a "Normal" day for me :D See I define normal as no doctors visit, no shots, no blood drawn no going anywhere I don't want to go.
It's been a fairly slow week for us. Friday I had an ECO Cardiogram which was interesting to say the least. I didn't know they look at your heart from so many directions. Michelle, the lady who did the ECO is so sweet and yes, I look forward to seeing her on my next visit.
Monday we'll be taking off to Boston again where I'll have the privilege of having blood work done, and EKG an another Ultra Sound. All of this is to happen between 12:30 and 3..... HUM..... Last time I was at the Dana Farber center we were out 1/2 hour early. Let's see what happens this time.
Then on Friday at noon I'll have surgery to have my port put in. Now if you don't know what I mean by port this will save me a lot of being stuck with a needle. I'm all for that since I DON"T LIKE NEEDLES! In case you missed that I don't like needles YUCK!!! Oh well, at least they try to help save pain that way :)
Then the following Monday I'll have a CT scan and shortly after that I should know when my treatments in Boston start!
As to how I feel, I really feel no different than I did before. I do have some pain every now then where the cancer is in breast but I'm still cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, running my wonderful boys all the over the place and most importantly taking care of my husband! We as a family are doing well. I do have my days where I might be more tearful than others but then that's to be expected.
I've been able to give out many tracts I've seen a man, Bill, receive Christ, Linette and Michelle we're praying will also receive Christ. As a matter of face the following are either my doctors, nurses or something that I will see soon on a regular basis. If you would join me in prayer for their salvation I'd certainly appreciate it.
Then the ones I've not met yet as well, the surgeon and any others that I may cross their path.
Make today Amazing by having a normal day :) Leading a soul to Christ! :) Praying for the salvation of others :)
It's been a fairly slow week for us. Friday I had an ECO Cardiogram which was interesting to say the least. I didn't know they look at your heart from so many directions. Michelle, the lady who did the ECO is so sweet and yes, I look forward to seeing her on my next visit.
Monday we'll be taking off to Boston again where I'll have the privilege of having blood work done, and EKG an another Ultra Sound. All of this is to happen between 12:30 and 3..... HUM..... Last time I was at the Dana Farber center we were out 1/2 hour early. Let's see what happens this time.
Then on Friday at noon I'll have surgery to have my port put in. Now if you don't know what I mean by port this will save me a lot of being stuck with a needle. I'm all for that since I DON"T LIKE NEEDLES! In case you missed that I don't like needles YUCK!!! Oh well, at least they try to help save pain that way :)
Then the following Monday I'll have a CT scan and shortly after that I should know when my treatments in Boston start!
As to how I feel, I really feel no different than I did before. I do have some pain every now then where the cancer is in breast but I'm still cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, running my wonderful boys all the over the place and most importantly taking care of my husband! We as a family are doing well. I do have my days where I might be more tearful than others but then that's to be expected.
I've been able to give out many tracts I've seen a man, Bill, receive Christ, Linette and Michelle we're praying will also receive Christ. As a matter of face the following are either my doctors, nurses or something that I will see soon on a regular basis. If you would join me in prayer for their salvation I'd certainly appreciate it.
Then the ones I've not met yet as well, the surgeon and any others that I may cross their path.
Make today Amazing by having a normal day :) Leading a soul to Christ! :) Praying for the salvation of others :)
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Understanding Breast Cancer HER2
I asked a dear friend, Mrs. Kelly if she could share some things about the HER2 breast cancer here. Kelly an I have known each other for a long time. As a matter fact I believe, I was still single when my parents and I, first met Kelly and her lovely family. She's such an encouragement, an amazing wife and mom. She has a walk with God that from what I've seen is wonderful.
The cancer I have and Kelly has though not exactly the same I believe, in this post she can help those who've asked me questions to better understand. So the following is from my dear friend Mrs. Kelly Johnson:
"It seems like every month I hear about someone else that I know being diagnosed with breast cancer. I was saddened when the phone rang a few weeks ago and Paula told me her news. None of us in this particular “club” like to have new members added.
The cancer I have and Kelly has though not exactly the same I believe, in this post she can help those who've asked me questions to better understand. So the following is from my dear friend Mrs. Kelly Johnson:
"It seems like every month I hear about someone else that I know being diagnosed with breast cancer. I was saddened when the phone rang a few weeks ago and Paula told me her news. None of us in this particular “club” like to have new members added.
When I was diagnosed people came out of the woodwork to tell me about their mother, aunt, cousin, friend, and even their own diagnosis. Well meaning people said things like, “My aunt had it and she just had a simple surgery. No problem.” Insinuating I shouldn’t worry or do much about my cancer.
Another person said, “My mom had it. She died three weeks after she was diagnosed.” This made me feel that death was imminent and all was hopeless.
Paula and I, like the majority of cancer patients, fall somewhere in between. We understand that people are struggling to say the right thing, so don’t be afraid to talk to us. However, please be sensitive to Paula’s spirit. There will be days and moments when she is struggling. She will need encouraging words. Only the Lord knows the future so words like, “I love you.” “I’m praying for you.” “I’m here to LISTEN.” “What day can I clean your house?” “What day can I bring a meal?” “Do you have a specific prayer request.” “I’m cheering for you.” These are GREAT words!!!!!
In the pathology of breast cancer there are several diagnostic markers they look at: ER (estrogen receptor); PR (progesterone receptor); and HER2+++. These are the three main things that medical science knows CAN fuel/feed breast cancer. Among breast cancer patients we define ourselves as triple positive, triple negative, or somewhere in between. Again, Paula and I fall somewhere in between.
Treatment for breast cancer is three-fold: 1. remove the main tumor (surgery) 2. kill any tumors cells growing elsewhere in the body (usually with chemo and radiation) 3. block whatever is feeding the tumors (hormone blocker, ovary removal, target therapy).
Triple negative means that other than surgery, normal chemo, and radiation; the medical field isn’t really sure yet what is “feeding” these tumors. They “hope” they get it all with those three main treatments. I have several dear friends that live today and they are triple negative.
Triple positive means that you will have surgery, chemo, possibly radiation, hormone blocking medication, and target drug therapy for the HER2+++, which I will cover more in depth next. Triple positive cancers have the most weapons to use against them, which is good, but they can be just as harmful.
As I said, Paula and I fall somewhere in between. However, we both have at least one positive. A very aggressive form of breast cancer called HER2+++. I have a dear friend Lynn that abides in Heaven today that helped me with my journey while she was a few years ahead on the same road. It is not a death sentence for everyone, but this kind of cancer does need aggressive treatment. Through the years there has been much advancement in this particular area of the disease, for which I am very grateful and have reaped a great benefit.
While Paula goes through the treatment, surgery, and “starving out” of the cancer; let me encourage you to reach out with kind words. Once Brother Bill and Paula have made their treatment decision, respect it. Please don’t judge them. This journey is hard enough without feeling like they have to make everyone happy, while trying to navigate what will make Paula’s years of life the healthiest and most productive. As always, it is important to leave our eyes on the Lord for the outcome. When we ask the Lord for His direction and peace and He shows it, I believe we are being good stewards of our lives when we follow that direction.
Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. (Proverbs 4:26)
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. (Psalms 37:23)
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:6)
Genes and Breast Cancer
One way to distinguish breast cancer cells is through your genes. When you’re diagnosed with breast cancer, your doctor will test the cancerous cells to determine their genetic makeup.
How Many Are HER2-Positive?
1 out of 5 breast cancers overexpress the HER2 gene. HER2-positive breast cancer tends to be more aggressive and spreads more quickly than other cancers. That’s why it’s important to find out if the cancer cells in your body contain this protein.
Facts and Figures on HER2 Recurrence
Researchers at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) conducted a study to determine recurrence risk for HER2-positive patients. Results showed that those who tested positive for HER2 at an early stage of the condition — with tumors 1 centimeter (cm) or smaller — had a higher risk of recurrence.
HER2 Survival Rates
The MDACC study found that those who were HER2-negative had a five-year survival rate of 93.7 percent.
Researchers also found that HER2-positive patients had:
• around five times the recurrence risk of those who were HER-2 negative
• close to three times the risk of recurrence of those who tested negative for HER2
Factors Affecting Recurrence
The risk of recurrence with HER2-positive tumors is significantly higher than with HER2-negative tumors.
Tumors that are HER2-positive are more often associated with factors that increase recurrence rates. For example, HER2 tumors are more likely to have higher nuclear grade. Generally, the higher the nuclear grade, the more aggressive the tumor.
HER2 tumors are also more likely to show positive margins during breast surgery. Positive margins occur when cancer cells extend beyond the edge of tissue that’s removed. HER2 tumors also have a higher likelihood of residual disease being found when additional tissue is removed.
HER2 General Prognosis
According to The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), up to 70 percent of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer respond to treatment. However, total remission for the condition occurs in around 7 to 8 percent of patients. (YAY this is me right now!!)
Targeted treatments (medicines that target the HER2 protein) have improved the prognosis for HER2-positive patients. Remissions can also be lengthy, offering another bright spot in prognosis. NEJM reports that remission can last more than 15 years for some patients. (I’m praying!)
Targeted Treatment
Being diagnosed HER2-positive brings special challenges to breast cancer patients. The HER2 protein can make your breast cancer more aggressive. It can also make it harder to treat with hormone treatments used for other types of breast cancer.
However, drugs like trastuzumab and lapatinib target HER2 directly — and effectively. A new drug, pertuzumab (Perjeta), was approved by the FDA in 2014. This drug, when used in combination with other drugs, shows some very promising results for improving prognosis and survival rates for patients with HER2 cancer."
So family and friends, hopefully you aren't scratching your head saying, "huh"? It's my desire to see souls saved, people come closer to the Lord ashall well as have family and friends understand even if just a little what is going on.
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